Page 119 of Mafie Queen

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“I’ll have to talk to my husbands about it first. See how we all envision our future and if it aligns with that position.”

I love calling them that. I never imagined getting married, much less having three husbands. To anyone else looking in, they would probably think I’m insane. I am, no doubt, but onlyfor them. The four of us have something so special; it transcends words.

“Fair enough. I really am happy for all of you. Even if I still don’t understand it, I am happy the four of you have each other. No matter what I did in the past, every move was to ensure Alexi’s and your happiness. I am glad that, in the end, you found it with each other.”

“I’m glad too. Thank you for supporting us in front of so many of your peers. It meant a lot.”

“I will always support you, Evie.”

“Care to share why you’re stepping down?”

His eyes dart towards the door where Nessa left, and I hope my friend opens up more about them soon. They both seem so cheerful all the time now that I could gag.

Oh fuck, is that what I look like with my guys?

“This life already took one woman I loved from me. I just can’t risk it taking another. You’re strong and smart Evie, no one is going to mess with you. But I have made my own set of enemies, and I am sick of playing their games.”

“Be careful not to pass those games onto us, Boris. I already worry about them all the time. I don’t need more enemies sneaking around in the dark.”

“I promise I will take care of them before I step down. You have my word.”

We nod in silent agreement. I trust Boris to keep us safe, he’s done what he can so far and fought by our side through thick and thin. He’s family just as much as Laney, Nessa, Havoc, and Arrow are.


We arrive back at the house and sit around the kitchen island, waiting for someone to speak first. I assume the guys had already guessed what Boris asked of me.

“So, what is everyone thinking?” Alexi asks, grabbing us all bottles of water.

“I think this is happening really fucking fast,” Damien says. “But, we’re all pretty smart. We will figure it out. As long as we still have Boris to refer back to, maybe this is a good time for us to start taking over. It shows that even in the face of so much, we don’t stop.”

When the fuck did my adorable cinna-dom roll get so wise? Alexi looks almost shocked at the analysis, and Lev scrunches up his nose like he has no idea who the man is sitting next to him.

“That is… a very good way to look at this,” Alexi says, taking a seat next to me.

“Do you want the position Boris offered you, Lucky Charm?”

I think about that for a minute. Ever since he offered it to me, it didn’t feel right. But I don’t think it felt right because I’ve never seen much of a future for myself outside of my revenge. In fact, every time I got close, the more I was willing to die for the mission.

“I never really planned for a future,” I admit. Alexi’s hand drops to my knee, squeezing in silent support. “But I guess it would be a good place to start. It would keep the position in the family, and we would become a pretty powerful name.”

Lev leans forward, taking my hand.

“But is it what you want? Because after all of this is over, if you said you want the four of us to go and retire on the beach somewhere, we would all do that too.”

His intense green eyes bore into mine, his soul connecting with me, helping me see if that is what I want. But all too soon, I start laughing. Damien joins in a second later, probably thinking the same thing.

“We would all kill each other,” I say in a fit of giggles. “I don’t even know if the four of us could find a way to vacation for a week and relax, much less retire. I’m down to take this position if that means a weapon stays in all of our hands while we fight for a better world.”

“Or at least, a better world where drugs are traded freely and guns go for the highest prices,” Damien adds in, and I lift my water to cheers him.

“Yes, that.”

We discuss how we will balance life and work, and the different ways we will keep up communication when times get hard or we feel stretched thin. Because of Dr. K, we already have great communication skills, and she continues to help us with emotional regulation.

“Alexi, what did you mean by Dr. K being on the payroll?”

He sips his water before setting it down to answer.
