Page 123 of Mafie Queen

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I feel like every time I help him get through one of his manic-like episodes, I learn more about him and I kind of like that. Itmakes me feel close to him, knowing what I can do to make him feel as safe and comfortable as he always makes me feel.

Alexi ends up making the best cupcakes I’ve ever had, and Lev vows to never touch the oven again. When we finish up, I look over to Damien.

“You ready for presents, big guy?”

“You got me presents?” He nearly jumps off of his stool.

I laugh and venture to the large perfectly wrapped present in front of the fireplace. “Of course we did, are you ready?”

“Yes, yes, yes. I was born ready.” He picks up the heavy package and sits on the couch. Lev brings over a trash bag, and Damien shreds into the paper. The large wooden case that has ‘Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum’ engraved on the top.

“Is this what I think it is?” he asks with glee and I nod. He flips open the latch to reveal a replica of the very sword Sir Lancelot fought with, Arondight.

Damien literally jumps for joy as he picks up the sword, almost dropping it. “But that’s not all. Get on one knee, Sunshine.”

Alexi places the crown they gave me on my head, and Damien almost falls on his face as he scrambles to get on his knee. He hands me the sword, offering it up like a true knight would.

I take the large blade from him.

“As the Queen of this room,” I say, with all the authority that title holds as Lev tries his very best to hold back a laugh.

“I dub thee Damien, a knight of the round table.” I tap his left shoulder. “May your courage and bravery,” then tap on the right, “be an example to all of those within the empire.”

So I may have googled this and come up with a whole lot of crap, but I decided to cut to the chase. When Damien stands, I hand him the sword and Lev wraps the strap around his waist to secure it to him.

Fuck, he’s going to want to sleep with that thing on.

After Lev is done, Damien scoops me up into his arms.

“I love you more than you will ever know, Little Shadow.” I hug him back with all of the strength I own.

Dr. K told us to find the joy. I plan to work every day to find it with them because these moments are ones I will never forget.

Chapter 42

The only way we could convince Evie to come with us today was if we all agreed to be heavily armed. It is clear that her time with her uncle made her paranoid because no one would dare to touch us on this day. If it makes her feel better, I will cover myself in weapons.

We enter the armory at my father’s estate an hour before we are set to leave with him. Damien walks around, touching all of the guns saying, “Hello, my old friends.”

I have to hold back a gag at his theatrics when he kisses one and says, “My pretty.”

“Should I be concerned that he talks to weapons of mass destruction the same way he talks to the birds on the balcony as he feeds them toast?” Evie asks me.

It was rhetorical, but I answer anyway. “I am deeply concerned for that man at all times.”

“Really? I think I find it endearing. And kinda hot.” She looks at him with wonder and I shake my head. There is a moment every day where I am reminded that she was made for them just as much as she was me, and this is one of those.

She walks over to Lev, who typically handles this day like shit, and plants a kiss on his cheek. He is not as shut down as normal, and by the way his eyes are glued to our girl, I would say it is because of her.

Damien usually acts uncaring, but I heard them talking this morning and he actually opened up to Evie while they journaled outside. It made my cold heart feel warm for a brief moment to know she was able to be a listening ear for him.

I am usually more quiet on this day, but our girl was able to get us telling stories of our mothers easily over breakfast. She has this way of talking about them like their lives didn’t end in tragedy. It makes it easier to remember the good we experienced with them while they were here.

I carefully select an AK-104 to attach to the strap on my back, then load four clips into my belt. I grab two Glock M series that strap into my chest harness. They have yet to be released on the market, but they are becoming a favorite of mine because they do not have finger grooves so I can hold it as I please and not as the weapon demands of me.

I add a few extra clips to the chest strap so that Evie will feel more relaxed, then attach a few knives to my thigh when she gives me a look that says she is not yet satisfied.

Only once I show her the kevlar vest under my suit does she get back to helping Damien. I take that as her seal of approval.
