Page 126 of Mafie Queen

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My damn father had this planned perfectly. If it wasn’t for Evie setting up backup like she did, we would be dead already. A war won in less than an hour.

Lev comes over to us while Ivan covers our asses. If I didn’t believe he was on our side before, I sure as fuck do now.

“What do we do?” Lev asks frantically. We never thought my father would be able to get to her so easily, much less trigger this reaction.

“Stay here with her.” Evie screams just then, a sound full of agony. Only one thought pulses in my veins. “When she stops shaking so badly, keep trying her safe word until she calms down.”

He has to pay.

Lev nods, so I take off down the side of the hill. In the distance, I can see Havoc’s team moving in. Between Alexi, Havoc, and myself, we have them surrounded.

I make it about five yards from him when his voice comes over the comms again, and an involuntary shiver wracks my body at the sound of his voice.

“Things would be better if you joined us, Son. After all, we are blood.”

I clench my fists and raise my gun, but something stops me. Slowly, I lower it and try to really take in my father for the first time in a very long time. He doesn’t look tired or weak.

In fact, I’d say the opposite. He seems stronger, more confident than before. Adrik steps up beside him as if forming a wall.

“You know this is a lost battle,” he says. Alexi is working his way behind them and Havoc is coming from the side, but I have a feeling these men know and are fully prepared.

“What do you want?” I ask them as the sound of an engine roars in the distance.

“We just want the girl,” my father says.

“Give her to us, and we will leave you alone,” Adrik adds.

I look between the two of them and debate on my next move. There are so many options. I can’t figure out what the best one is. Luckily, Alexi makes the decision for me.

A shot fires off, but they are prepared for it. Seconds later, a helicopter flies in, dropping a rope for the two of them to grab onto as bullets rain down from above. Hastily, I move behind a headstone, tucking myself in tight before my father’s voice comes over the comms one last time.

“Think about it, Son.” Then, they’re gone.

Chapter 45

I call Akio, checking to see how close he is and if there’s any way he can follow the helicopter that picked up Rostya and Adrik. But we have no luck. I curse under my breath, running to where Lev is holding Evie in his arms.

“What happened?” I ask, even though I heard the word clear as day over the comms.

Lev shakes his head just as Evie leans to the side to vomit. Finally, her eyes open and she looks up at me.

“I’m fine. Go help Boris.”

I look back towards the top of the hill and see the ambulance parking near where Boris fell. I run up to the scene, only to be met with blood. Way too much blood.

Doc shakes his head as he closes the door to the ambulance, and Alexi lets out a roar I’ve never heard before. His fist hits the tree next to him, so I grab him and hold him back before he can do more damage.

I heard his knuckles crunch, and I just know he’ll need stitches. Fuck, this was a shit show. If it wasn’t for Evie planning backup, they all would have died right here in the damn cemetery.

“You need to take a breath,” I say as Alexi fights me. “Your girl is down. Compose yourself or I’ll knock you the fuck out right here.”

A growl leaves him as he puts up one last fight, then he sags in my grip.

“That mother fucker,” he says, defeat and regret behind each syllable.

When I let him go, he falls to his knees.

“How did I not see it?” He’s not really asking me, so I don’t answer him. Instead, I remind him of what he still has left to fight for.
