Page 129 of Mafie Queen

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I check the clock and smile before shooting the guys a text saying they are banned from coming down until dinner. This transition will not push them over the edge like it’s been threatening, we will make sure of it.

“Thank you, Cami,” I call out as she leaves the room. Her head slips back in as she smiles.

“It’s my job, so long as you’ll have me.”

I give Nessa a pointed stare when Cami closes the door.

“I know, I know, okay. I won’t kill her.”


Do my eyes physically hurt from the amount of time I’ve spent staring at a screen in the last twelve hours? Fuck, yes. Has it been totally worth it to see the guys’ jaws drop when they found out we had everything sorted for the next two months with full schedules that are beautifully color coded thanks to Laney?

One thousand and ten percent.

They brought us dinner, and I shooed them away until it was closer to two in the morning. Only then were they allowed to have input on the plan of action, but they really haven’t changed much.

There were a few meetings Alexi preferred to be at over others, just because of his knowledge on the subjects, and they were all easily moved around. Lev and Damien filled in the gaps nicely. But the best part was, none of us should have anythingmore than five hour days with how we were able to divide up the work.

While that does not include time to research projects or other little things, it covers the big stuff that needs to get done in the office and the rest can easily be worked on at home.

Laney and Nessa are going to fill in roles similar to Cami, just with more authority, but we will never be letting that girl go. She is the type A person this organization needs to stay afloat, and we can’t afford to lose her.

Thankfully, Nessa seems to have forgiven her. So hopefully from here on out, it’s all smooth sailing.

Alexi hasn’t talked much since we got back to the house, but when he approaches me with just my bike helmet in hand, I know he’s offering an olive branch.

We walk to the garage together and get on our bikes without a word. I let him take the lead until we are heading to a place I know very well. We hit the tracks first, twisting and turning until even my gloves can’t hold back the bite of cold any longer.

Kicking the stand out, I lift a leg over my bike and watch as Alexi enters the cabin ahead of me. I take a deep breath, knowing he’s about to freak the fuck out, and I put up my guard in case he tries to get under my skin.

Except, when I walk into the cabin, I’m met with the aroma of greasy cheese and my mouth waters. Pizza.

Since I was saved from my uncle, Alexi has insisted on cooking all of our meals to get me back to peak health. He researched protein powders for three days, only to settle with a premade shake claiming it was the best on the market. It tastes amazing, but when we had our talk about meals, I told him how desperately I wanted greasy pizza.

Turns out, he was actually listening.

“Sit,” he says, gesturing to the small table beside a window. I do as I’m told because this is Alexi, and when Daddy comesout to play, I don’t mess around. Or I do, but not when pizza is involved.

“No pineapples in sight, just the way I like it,” I say as he sets a plate in front of me.

“I’m not a monster. I will never serve you that garbage.”

We eat in comfortable silence. Eventually though, we finish and I’m left with Alexi staring at me like he can’t decide if he wants to eat me or kiss me. I’m up for either, but mostly, I just need to know he’s okay.

“How ya doing, Batman?”

He looks out the window. The snow is falling steadily, leaving beautiful scenery. But he doesn’t seem to notice.

“He told me he was proud of me. Those were his final words.”

I glance out at the landscape, the patch of white feeling like a clean slate, but there’s a huge hole in our lives right now. As much as I was still getting to know Boris, he was family and I loved him dearly. It was why I planned everything I did. Not just to protect my guys, but him too.

“Are you mad at me?” I need to know because his silence on the subject might kill me at this point.

He shakes his head, and I finally feel like I can breathe.

“I am mad at myself. As much as I felt betrayed about you going behind my back, it was the right call. I was selfish. And that almost got us all killed.”
