Page 13 of Mafie Queen

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“Asshole, breathe. Come on. I do not need to do the paperwork involved with you passing out here. You can do it. I know evenyoucan follow a simple order. Breathe.”

I take in a breath as the nurse from earlier starts to come into view in front of me. She’s crouched on the floor, holding me up while my body slumps, nearly falling out of the chair.

“That’s it,” she says, pushing me back upright. I keep taking deep breaths, trying to force myself not to hyperventilate.

When the room stops spinning and I can see again, I look up at the nurse standing by me.

“I didn’t know,” she says, seeming a little remorseful.

“Didn’t know what?” It’s hard to speak and my words come out choked.

“That you loved him too.”

I don’t tell her she’s wrong, but I can’t say anything out loud yet. She looks at me like she’s waiting for confirmation, then seems to realize.

“It’s okay if you’re not ready yet.” She squeezes my shoulder and then moves to the door. “It helps to talk to them. Those are the ones I see come out of it. The ones who know they are loved, that there is something here still worth fighting for.”

As her presence fades, I find myself growing angry with Arrow. He was planning to leave us before he got shot, I know it. But then something seemed to change his mind. If anyone knows that there’s something worth fighting for, it should be him.

“I’m mad at you,” I tell him.

‘I know. I’m mad at you too,’He says back to me in that super understanding way of his that I usually love but can’t stand right now.

“I know, but I’m not leaving. I was struggling before because I could only see Laney as my late wife and I felt like I failed her. But I realized just how much I need her. How much I need both of you. And you need me too. I’m sorry I tried to leave.”

Silence.Even in my head, he’s a broody asshole.

“So, how’s the food here?”

‘Disgusting. I would kill for a pineapple pizza. They only let me eat through a tube.’

I grunt out a laugh. “Serves you right for liking garbage.”

‘We both know you like it too. Don’t even try to pretend.’

I cross my legs and lean back to get comfortable. “I’ll make you a deal then. I’ll admit to enjoying everything that is wrong with pizza if you wake up.”

Nothing.What an ass.

‘So, how’s my sweet kitten holding up?’

“Sweet?” I scoff. “That woman is a tornado. They may call me Havoc, but she’s chaos. She has claws sharper than any animal I have yet to encounter and a fire in her not even a Shade can diminish. She might be stuck right now, but I can see the flames simmering beneath her eyes. I fucked up when I called her a unicorn. She’s a full-blooded dragon.”

He laughs and I let out a chuckle.

‘Sounds like she’s really giving you a run for your money.’

“She’s worth every penny…” I huff. “So are you, ya know. She needs us both, Arrow. I can’t do this without you.”

‘Fix what you broke, then I’ll come back.’

It’s wishful thinking, but maybe that really is what he needs. Maybe if both of us were here, he would sense it and come back.

“I’ll do my best, brother.”

Chapter 8

I storm into Boris’ office, not giving a damn about the pain I feel from my stitches tearing. When I find him at his desk, I refuse to stop my tirade just because he looks like hell in a handbasket.
