Page 134 of Mafie Queen

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“Wait, please, Daddy.”

He holds his hand up to indicate for me to stop talking, and I do.

“You wanted to argue when I told you what we were going to do. So, this is how it is going to be. You are not in charge here, Princess.”

“Bend over, touch your toes, and count. Keep your fucking legs straight.”

I do as he says reluctantly. My ass is already sensitive, my cunt dripping and so fucking sore I don’t know how much I can take. But I will try, for him.

Alexi watches me get into position, then uses his feet to kick my legs out wider. I groan as the cool air touches my throbbing pussy.

Pain shoots through me as I watch Alexi’s hand land on my ass. Then two hits land in quick succession to my clit.

“I said, count.”

Slap. “One.”Slap. “Two.”Slap.

“Oh my God,” I moan.

“Start over.”

My voice shakes as he continues, relentlessly. But I find that as long as I keep counting, my mind doesn’t fade into subspace. He switches between my ass and pussy until I can smell my arousal coating my thighs. When I feel myself slipping, Alexi notices. Every time.

“Where are you at, Princess? Give me the word.”

“I’m okay. Don’t stop. I want to be your good girl.”

He nods once and continues.

Once we reach ten, a sob breaks free from my chest. I want to do this. I need to prove to him and myself how strong I am. I feel like I might lose it when two fingers slide deep into my wet heat.

A sigh escapes me, the pleasure ten times stronger with the pain coursing through me.

“Why is it that you must always test me, brat?”

He adds a third finger, fucking me hard while the blood rushes to my head.

“I could be owning this tight cunt right now, sliding my cock so deep you feel the imprint of me for days. But you just had to push me.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy.”

His fingers slow and his thumb moves to my clit, circling. Just when I am on the edge, the euphoria building in my belly, he pulls free.

“On your knees.” I drop down, the feeling of lightheadedness slipping away.

My cheeks feel hot and wet, coated in tears. My pussy and ass throb, but part of me feels better. It’s like there’s freedom in enduring his punishments.

Alexi looks down at me with stern eyes. He knows I need this as much as he does.

“I am nothing if not a man of my word.”

He crosses the room to sit in a chair, spreading his legs wide and flexing his biceps.

“Crawl to me.” He looks like a god sitting on a throne. All hard edges and intensity.

He’s breathtaking with his oceanic eyes commanding me, holding me captive in his gaze. He takes his phone from the table beside the chair and turns the camera towards me as I start to crawl with as much sway to my hips as I can muster with a sore ass.

I freeze as he glances up.Is he recording me?
