Page 156 of Mafie Queen

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My chest rises and falls with each rapid breath, and my hands tremble uncontrollably. Laney steps out from the trees, clearly hearing what he said. I don’t know if she’s here to stop me from killing him or to help me with my mission.

Adrik coughs and tries to stand, but falls over until he’s back on his hands and knees below me.

“You gave her so much of your time and attention that you forgot about me. You forgot about your job and your duty. She was a distraction.”

My insides begin to boil with a rage so potent I nearly convince myself I’m hearing things.

Laney’s soft hand slides into mine as she passes me a vial.

“I see she was easily replaced,” Adrik nods to Laney, “by this little backstabbing whore.”

I am not a man who does control well. Sure, I harness it for jobs, and I do what I can to keep the reins on the beast living under my skin when it’s convenient. But that doesn’t mean I can keep him contained at all times.

My blood simmers with an uncontrolled fury I’m not familiar with as I open the glass tube Laney gave me and dip the blade E and I made together inside.

Adrik watches my movements carefully, but it’s clear the poison Laney cut into his system is making him see things already. His head jerks around, seeing things that aren’t there as I fight to keep my promise to E.

His death will be hers, but his suffering will be mine.

The thing about hallucinating under the influence of poison is that it’s hard to control what your victim sees. In order to do that, you would need a potent anticholinergic drug that makes them susceptible to suggestion. Thankfully, my girl here is a master with poisons, and so is E. We didn’t plan to use this onetoday, but I think it’s time I helped bring some of my dear old friends' nightmares back to life.

Adrik forgot that I was there to witness all of his failures and fears in the process of him grasping for power. I saw every time his eyes widened in fear, and I know all his weaknesses. He should have known better than to mess with me.

My blade meets with the flesh of his face as the drug is delivered directly into his system.

It’s a beautiful thing to see his eyes glass over. Devil’s Breath mixed with MDMA and GHB force his mind to open for me to set all of his demons free.

“Do you remember that time we hid out in Columbia?” I ask him.

Fear overtakes him with the memory, but he no longer has the power to stop the thought or shut it out.

“Remember the bats?” His body goes slack, trapping him thoroughly behind the bars of his mind.

“Remember the screams?”

Adrik is gasping now, his body nearly convulsing in sheer panic.

“Remember the caves, the water?”

Laney stays by my side as I circle the breaking man on the ground beneath us. I know part of it is because she will have to stop me from killing him if he says another thing about my late wife or my girl, but the other part is because she’s supporting me in this. My girl doesn’t like blood, and she in no way enjoys the violence of this world, but I have a strong feeling she’s enjoying every moment of this.

The drugs only last for about fifteen minutes. When Adrik starts to come out of it, he slowly gets back up, standing on shaky legs. He’s still seeing things and likely hearing things, but he has gained control of his limbs, which means my turn with him is coming to an end.

“Hey, Adrik?” Laney says, notching an arrow and aiming it at his head. “You’ve now taken the family of two of the people I love.”

“Holy fuck, she’s hot.” Arrow’s voice comes over our comms. Thankfully, he’s on a private channel just for us. I look up to see the drone that will track Adrik from this spot and wink.

“You should see the view from down here, brother.”

Adrik and his frantic movements to run away fade into the background while Arrow moves the camera until it’s only a foot from my side, staring straight at our girl.

Her bow is drawn back, hair braided down her spine, and an evil glint in those beautiful blue eyes. Her breasts push out in her perfect archery stance, and suddenly my thoughts move from that very dark place to a room of freedom we have found on our own.

“Hey, Arrow?” I say.

“Yeah?” he asks dreamily, clearly as mesmerized as me.

“Go make sure that piece of shit gets to where he needs to be so we can fuck our girl on that plane ride home.”
