Page 157 of Mafie Queen

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Laney’s face heats as she lowers her weapon. Mine only seems to grow harder though.

“Yes, sir.”

A shiver races down my spine as the drone moves in the direction of our nightmare that is soon about to end.

Chapter 58

I try not to dwell on the look that was in Evie’s eyes when I handed her to my father. It is distracting me too much as I shoot at The Shades making their way onto our beach. There are only a handful of them left at this point with the battle so close to being done.

My fingers twitch with a restless energy that is normally easy for me to contain and control. But not today. Not after what I did.

I know it was all an act, but damn did she play the part well. I have a strong feeling the two of us are going to need a few sessions with Dr. K to work through our feelings.

It all worked out well, and I watched from my scope as Alexi helped Evie from the boat. I also watched his rage over the fact that she wouldn’t put on another shirt. But the girl is about to be surrounded by flames, so I’m sure she didn’t want anything else clinging to her.

That doesn’t mean Alexi won’t punish her for it.Damn, is it bad that I can’t wait to see that again?

I want to punish her a bit myself for making me hand her over. Logically, I knew it had to be me. I was the only one who could convince my father I had chosen his side.

It was easy to lean into his narcissistic nature. What wasn’t easy was having to go through with watching them bind her. After that scene, I desperately needed to get some distance. I needed to build a wall around the memory of handing her over to the men who tortured her before I threw myself off the damn cliff.

I blink rapidly to stop those thoughts from invading my mind. She’s okay and the plan is working. Still trembling with this sense of restlessness, I abandon my post behind the safety of the trees and walk my ass down to the beach.

There are only six men left, and they’re all out of ammo. It’s not fair for me to pick them off with my long-range weapon if they don’t have any of their own.

My hand wraps around my trusty sword that has not left my side since my birthday except to be sharpened for today. Evie pretends she hates it when I try to bring Arondight to bed with us, but I know she secretly loves it. After all, Iamher knight now. Alexi can still be her dark knight, but I’ll be her knight of light.

Releasing the silver sword from the strap at my side, I swing it in the air before impaling the first victim with it. Straight through the stomach.

“It’s an honor to die at a knight’s hand, Peter,” I say as I pull the blade free. I have no idea what his name is, but they say it makes you less of a psychopath if you know your victim's names, so I just make them up.

The next man that approaches tries to duck from my blow, but the second he’s down, I shift my weight to stab him in the back.

“What a way to go, Danny.”

I chuckle as the next man approaches. This one’s all cocky, bouncing on the balls of his feet as if he’s going to get near me with that puny three-inch blade, while I have a three-foot steel masterpiece in my hand.

He’s a Michael if I ever did see one. I laugh as he fakes left, only for me to see it coming because of his arrogant posture giving away his moves. As soon as he moves to the right, I sink Arondight to the hilt between his ribs.

“Don’t worry, Michael. This one won’t be fatal for about three minutes.” I pull my treasured weapon free. “You can drown in your own blood in the meantime.”

He falls to his knees and I kick him onto his back.Three more to go.

The final three, Mark, Dave, and Eli all go down without me even breaking a sweat. So much for dulling this restless energy. A heavily breathing figure begins to emerge from the water and my fists clench. The moment I’ve been waiting for is finally here. Let phase five begin.

“I don’t want to do this,” I tell Evie after she’s stepped out of the shower with Lev. I know she was crying, but I can’t bring myself to just let this one go.

“Just hearing his voice hurt, Little Shadow. I can’t just hand you over to him.” I sit on the end of the bed, feeling too tired from all of this to even stand.

She clutches the towel as red eyes glare at me. Lev is at her back, a towel around his waist as he holds her close. He isn’t picking her side, he’s just being there for her like he was being there for me by sparring in the gym.

“I got that message loud and clear when you stormed out and left for the night, Damien.”

Her guard is up and defenses are in full swing. I don’t want to fight with her, I don’t want any of this if I’m honest.

“What did you expect me to do?” I ask, defeated. “You backed me into a corner. You were the one who wanted me to talk to him, to face him after everything.” I pin angry eyes on Lev. “And you voted against me.”

“I didn’t vote against you, babe,” Lev says softly, leaving Evie to come sit by me. “I voted for this plan to work. I voted to show her that I trust her not to run off into danger alone this time.”
