Page 26 of Mafie Queen

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“I said I wanted to keep him and you said no. I don’t like to be told no, so I jumped up onto the back of the deck and tackled you, totally winning by the way.”

I one hundred and ten percent won that scuffle, but I won’t hurt his ego.


“You asked me what I was thinking that night when I had you all to myself in my room, and I didn’t have words so instead I showed you.”

I think he gave me three orgasms that night, so if that’s what he was thinking, then I’m down for him to run with his thoughts much more often.

A full smile spreads across my face and Havoc hands me the phone. “It’s you. You’re okay? You’re all okay?” I’m not positive all of my words are intelligible at this point, but he gets it.

“We are all good, Little Shadow. We have a surprise for you and can’t fucking wait until you’re here with us.”

So many emotions threaten to spill over, but the most overwhelming one is relief.They are okay.

Dr. K has us hang up, not wanting to push it for the day but wants me to text and talk to them often so that all we have to work on is actually seeing them.

My hands are trembling by the time I send a message to each of them individually. Havoc looks at me, then jumps right up.

“What?” I ask, my voice weak as anxiety seems to overcome him.

“You need to eat.”

As if on cue, my stomach grumbles. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that man move faster in my life. And I once saw him on fire.

Less than five minutes later, he returns with a tray of breads, broth, and some fried rice as well as a shake.

“This is a weird combination,” I say, pushing myself up. I was going to follow him into the kitchen, but there is just no way my legs were going to hold my weight at the moment.

“Breads help absorb the abundance of acid you have in your stomach from lack of eating. The rice was made with coconut oil, which will help you heal and help protect your gut from these foods since you’re probably not used to eating much. And the broth will help you feel better with the sodium. The shake has protein and a shit ton of vitamins.”

I raise a brow at him, lifting the bowl of broth to sip. He sighs and comes to sit next to me on the bed.


I hold up a hand and chuckle under my breath. “That requires no more explanation.”

Havoc smiles, his shoulders losing some of the tension he’s been carrying as I sip the shake.

“How’s Laney?” I ask. I need to know she’s okay too, but his smile falters.

“Havoc,” I say exasperatedly. I just got back, I don’t need him adding drama to the mix.

The corner of his mouth lifts in apology. He already knows. “I know I fucked up, I’m working on it. But she’s okay. Arrow, he’s…um.”

He gets choked up, and I can honestly say the last time I saw these emotions from him were when his wife was murdered. I take his hand in mine and he squeezes, confirming my worry.

The tiniest tear falls down his cheek as he takes a shuddering breath. “He’s in a coma. They, uh,” he trails off while wiping at his face with his hand. I stay quiet, giving him time to gather himself. “They don’t know if he’s going to wake up.”

My heart physically aches for him. This man deserves love and happiness in all its forms after what he’s been through. I don’t care if we are supposed to be ruthless assassins. Sometimes, we just need a hug from people we love.

I pick up my tray and move it to the side, then wrap my arms around my friend who’s closer to me than a brother. Havoc pulls me in tight, wrapping his body around mine.

We sit there like that for a few minutes, no words spoken, just support. When he pulls back, he sighs and takes my hand in his.

“I’m sorry. You’ve been through hell, and I’m over here complaining about my problems.”

My brows furrow. “Havoc, just because our pain is different doesn’t make mine more or less than yours. Pain is real and it hurts for both of us. But one thing that makes it better for me is knowing I can be there for you.”
