Page 56 of Mafie Queen

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He pauses with his hand in the air, then lets it drop to his side.

“There’s nothing here to fix. I love you just as you are.”

“It’s all broken on the inside.” A shudder leaves my lips as I fight to find the good. I fight for it because they’re worth it. No matter how much that stupid voice in my head tries to tell me otherwise.

“Sometimes shattered pieces are the most beautiful to look at.” A small smile pulls at his lips. “It’s why I stopped painting realism. It shows people as a whole, and none of us are whole. We aren’t meant to be that way. We find the good and hold onto it in this life.Youare my good.”

My mind flashes to all of the good memories just like Dr. K taught me. Instead of the darkness taking over my mind, Iflood it with the light. I remember the smiles Lev brings me, the protection Alexi gives, and the joy Damien elicits every day. I close my eyes and soak in all that happiness.

“Come back to me, Lucky Charm.”

My hand falls, and the gun is swiftly taken away. I don’t notice it though, not at first. The room is still a blur, but my Ghost is steadfast.

His grip on my hand loosens. As the feeling returns to my fingers, it’s as if my body is starting to come online again.

Damien helps me stand, and I lean into him for support. Alexi stays in front of me until we sit on the couch. Lev scoots into my side as he strokes steady fingers over my leg.

“Do you want to leave, Princess?” Alexi blocks Boris from my sight, but I shake my head. My body is too exhausted to fight anymore anyway.

“I think I’m okay now. Can we try again, please?”

Relaxing into Lev’s body, he pulls me closer as I let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. In fact, the whole room seems to exhale along with me.

I meet Boris’ gaze again, but this time the voice in my head is just a whisper, and it’s easy to set it aside.

“Alright then, is it safe to assume we can work together today?” Boris asks, carefully joining Nessa on the other couch.

“I think so. Although, maybe we keep any weapons away from us for a while? At least while we’re here.”

I curl in tighter to Lev, his arms holding me firmly to him. My fingers itch to reach for my blade, but I’m able to keep a hold on my control.

“Done. Anything else I can do?”

I shake my head. I can’t imagine how much worse this could have been if they had taken a few more days to get to me.

“Thank you.”

“You do not have to thank me.” Boris says, waving a hand in the air. But he doesn’t understand what I’m trying to say.

“I don’t mean thank you for working with me now. I mean thank you for helping them find me. I wasn’t able to say that before, but I am so thankful for what all of you did. What all of you risked.”

I look at all of them so they know I mean it. Nessa was instrumental in making sure the building was turned to ash and was the one helping direct Lizz to other bunkers so we could take out as many of them as possible.

In fact, with those two women teaming up, we were able to keep Rostya and Adrik quiet for quite some time. Damien’s hand slides to my leg and Alexi leans over to kiss me on the cheek.

“Like my father said, you do not have to thank us.” It’s just a whisper, but it melts my heart just as much as if he were to profess his love for me on his knees.

My phone rings and I check to see it’s Laney.

“Did anyone tell Havoc or Laney about Kia and Lyra?” I ask.

No one speaks up, so I shrug and answer the call.Maybe I can get a girl's day after this.

“Hey, girl.”

“Evie, don’t freak out.”

I’m so not getting a girls day.
