Page 73 of Mafie Queen

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Rounding the corner, I see the body of a man who failed miserably to infiltrate the round table simply by disguising his face. He was dumber than a bag of rocks to come here because Havoc and I trained with him for almost a year. The fake nose he put on poorly and the odd hair color were nowhere near enough to fool us. So it’s odd to me that he even tried. It just doesn’t make any sense.

“Did you search him?” I ask, ignoring the very pissed off looking man behind bars.

“We did,” Havoc moves to me and hands me a red envelope. When I look up at Havoc, my gut falls to the fucking floor. His lips thin and jaw tenses at the implication.

The Shades are careful to never leave a trace, but on the few occasions we needed to leave anything behind for specific people, we used this same red envelope. It was the only signature we could claim.

Opening the letter, I see familiar handwriting on it, and my heart rate picks up.

We are coming for you, Little Warrior.

This time when I kill them,

I’ll make sure you know it’s real.

My hands shake as I turn over the note, noticing an unfamiliar handwriting.

‘I know he sent me into a trap, but I will die

to protect you, E. None of us deserve a happy

ending, but you do. He’s planning something

big. Keep your eyes open even in safe spaces.’


A sad smile comes to my face as I look down at one of the good ones. BD was always up early when Havoc might not have been, and he taught me so much. We weren’t close, but I did see that he was helping me. I never wanted to believe he was one of the corrupt ones.

“Give him a proper burial,” I tell Alexi, not wanting his clean-up crew to make him into shark food. “He sacrificed himself to get us information.”

While it wasn’t much, at least we know that Adrik and Rostya have recovered from the blow Lizz left and are now back to forming plans.

Alexi steps away and hands his tablet to Damien. He swiftly organizes what I need, and a minute later, two men and a woman show up. They carefully wrap the body and place him on a stretcher. I lay my hand over his covered chest and say a silent ‘thank you’ before they take him away.

“Alright, Big Mike, want to tell us why you brought a Shade here today?”

His fists clench around the bars, and I can hear him grit his teeth.

“He has my cousin.”

I sigh. We assumed Adrik could still have people working for him, but I need to know Big Mike here isn’t on his side and just making up shit.

“How do you know?” Lev asks, folding his arms and leaning casually against the wall by the cell. He’s wearing a white t-shirt under a black leather jacket and looks fucking edible right now.

No, Evie, down girl.

“He sent me a video. Hand me my phone and I’ll show you.”

“How do we know it’s not a trap?” Damien says, picking up his phone from the table in the middle of the room.

Big Mike looks at us like we are the dumb ones. “What trap could I have here? The Shades already know where you are, they just aren’t ready to strike yet.”

I lift a brow at him. That’s a lot of information for someone who isn’t involved.

“He kept talking every time he got a call. Said that his boss knew where you were but needed him to scope it out before they made any moves. Looks like they sent him to his own funeral if you ask me.”

I look around at the guys and Havoc nods. Damien hands the Italian mobster his phone. Sure enough, a video comes up of his family clearly being tied up and held hostage.
