Page 77 of Mafie Queen

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I never imagined myself getting married. I didn’t want the white dress or the purple flowers, even from a young age. I would tell my mother I was going to rule the world by their side, and my father agreed because he said he would kill any man who thought they were good enough for me.

I guess now he would have to kill three. But he wouldn’t. I would flash him my best puppy dog eyes, and he would give in. Ican see them now, all sitting on the back porch while my father grills.

If there is an afterlife, that would be the moment I would want to spend it in. A warm sunny day, lounging in the pool with my mother while the boys laughed and cooked with my father. Boris would be there too, along with Laney, Havoc, and Arrow. Nessa would come too, and we would all celebrate what we found with each other. Family.

The car pulls into the venue and I step out, closely assessing my guard detail. As much as I’m capable of taking care of myself, it never hurts to have a few extra guns on your side.

We make our way up to the suite, but when I enter Boris is standing in the middle of the room. He’s wearing a three-piece suit Laney helped him pick out, and I immediately notice the way Nessa turns as red as a rose when she sees him.

He smiles at her, a genuine one that is rare for him. Then, he turns his attention to me.

“Would you mind speaking with me, Evie?”

He hardly ever calls me by the name I gave myself. Just yesterday, when he got frustrated with a caterer, he called me Eydis when I tried to help. But I can see he’s trying and that he wants to respect the choice I made.

I nod and gesture for him to head to the main room in one of the penthouse suites. The hotel is large and contains eight of them, and I know my men are in one today too.

Closing the door behind us, we walk to the balcony. He lets out a lengthy sigh as we take a seat on the patio furniture.

“I know things have felt rushed and uneasy, but I want you to know that I am proud of your decision.”

I don’t respond because I have no idea what to say to that, so he continues.

“Loving one man is hard work, but loving three will be a challenge.”

“I always loved a challenge,” I say, causing him to chuckle.

“That you did. I remember your father telling me so many times he was debating on locking you up because he saw that same dangerous twinkle in your eye he always had.”

I sit forward, struggling to think about them on a day like this.

“He would be proud, you know?”

“I hope so.” It comes out as a soft whisper. I don’t want to have these feelings right now.

“As much as I would love to sit here and tell you stories about your father, there is one final part to the day we should discuss.”

Business I can do. “What is it?”

“Before you get angry with me, I need you to know I had to ask even if I already know the answer. Some of the elders have met, and they want a legitimized marriage certificate from today.”

I glare at him. Women cannot marry more than one man in Russia, so we agreed I would not sign any official paperwork.

“I know,” he says, holding up his hands. “I just had to ask so that I could report to them your response.”

“What will you tell them?” We can’t lose people right now because of a damn piece of paper.

“That they can drown in their own blood if they don’t stand with you. Anyone who goes against my son and soon-to-be daughter is a direct enemy to me.”

He leans back in his seat, getting comfortable.

“Think that will work?”

He grins. “It already did.”

“Wait, then why did you even ask me?”

Boris shrugs. “I told them I would discuss it with you, and I am a man of my word. I just also happened to include that if they stood against youwhenyou said no, I would have them and their families wiped from the earth before morning. Their tone changed quickly.”
