Page 78 of Mafie Queen

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I lean in and take his hand in mine. Anxiety floods my veins over being this close to him with no one to protect either of us, but he stood up for me. He has protected me and watched out for me and chosen my side time and time again.

He squeezes my hand and I squeeze back, emotions getting caught in my throat over this man.

“I want you to know, Evie, I believed I was lucky once to have Alexi. But now that I have you and the two men who love him like a brother, I feel like my family is complete.”

“And Ness?” I ask, searching for what exactly is happening between them. He turns in his chair and looks at the door. It’s closed, but he acts as if he can see her through it.

“Nessa is the center of it all. She’s the fire I thought I lost and the humor I never imagined I would find again.” A soft, rare smile touches his lips.

“You know if you hurt her, I will have to kill you, right?”

Boris barks out a laugh and I startle, never having heard that sound come from his mouth.

“If I hurt her, then I will hand you my gun to shoot me with.”


They say on a woman’s wedding day, she should feel stressed. It’s likely she will forget to eat because of the amount of worry she’ll have about holding everything together in addition to fitting in her dress.

Those people have clearly never had a Russian crime syndicate plan a wedding. Because I’m currently sitting in my bridal suite with my two best friends, half drunk off my ass, and stuffed full of all of the best breakfast foods you can find.

Alexi wasn’t kidding when he said he would handle everything. I’ve had to make a few choices, but they were mainlyjust about me. The guys asked if I wanted anything special and I was honest. I just want them, forever. However long that may be for us.

I did care about the dress though, and that is supposed to be the ultimate surprise. I wasn't planning on wearing white, and no one was going to convince me otherwise. Not even the great Laney. And boy, did that girl try.

However, when she saw what I had planned, she jumped on board very fast. I look over to her and Nessa on the couch as she does Nessa’s makeup. Mine’s already finished, and Laney insisted Nessa have some winged eyeliner. Poor Ness put up a fight, but Laney has a way of wearing you down.

“Alright,” Laney says, clapping her hands in victory now that she’s finished our makeup. “Time for gifts.”

“You got me gifts?” I ask.

“Of course!”

She acts like I’m weird for even thinking otherwise. I just honestly didn’t expect anything. Laney hands me three boxes and two bags. They’re all themed red, with black tissue paper in the bags. Then, she hands Nessa a bag.

“Open the matching bags together,” Laney says, looking way too giddy.

Nessa and I exchange a look before pulling out the tissue. I think we are both a little scared. I reach in and cool metal brushes my fingertips. Pulling out a set of kitty ears just like Laney’s, I tilt my head at her in question of the color.

“I didn’t get you pink,” she says as Nessa gives her the same look.

“Yes, because purple is a much better alternative,” Nessa says.

Laney points a finger at us, scolding us like children.

“Listen, not everything can be as black as your depraved souls. You two need a little color in your life!”

I laugh as she shoves the other bag at me. Obliging her, I pull out the tissue paper and nearly drop the gift. “Laney!”

She cracks up, nearly falling over clutching her stomach.

Nessa leans in to look in the bag and joins Laney. “Traitors,” I say, holding back a grin. Very poorly. This girl got me a pink flogger and a bright pink dildo. “I have enough dicks already. What could I possibly do with this one?”

She winks at me and I cringe. No woman can handle four dicks. No way.

I open the three boxes, revealing a piece of lingerie made for each of my boys. Green clovers cover one and I set that aside for tonight. Black smoke swirls across a bodysuit with a crotch opening. The final piece is a white and silver number I plan to save for a very special occasion. It’s stunning and looks like it’s made for the world’s most talented stripper. Silver crowns made of jewels cover the white lace.

I’m not much of a lingerie girl, since the men I love are savages and enjoy ripping fabric way too much, but these pieces are going to be favorites for sure. I need to do what I can to protect them at all costs.
