Page 48 of Too Many Alphas

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Teyval chuckled. “Of course, she could, but she isn’t one to step into the spotlight, are you, Myrtle?”

The way he enunciated her name was suspicious, and when the casting director looked at her, she flickered.

Ford jolted and grinned. “She’s one of the Elite omegas?”

The casting director blinked. “She’s the screenwriter?”

Myrtle nodded. “I was. Why?”

Teyval walked over and extended his clawed hand to hers. She sighed and slipped her fingers along his. She felt herself getting taller and leaned against his chest. “You planned this?”

“Maybe a little.” He chuckled and leaned in to nuzzle her temple.

She lifted her head and touched his jaw, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips between the tusks.

Ford muttered, and as she kissed Teyval and he kissed her, the omega circled them. It took Myrtle a while to figure out what was going on. She pressed her forehead to Teyval’s and then leaned back. She turned, and a camera was within five inches of her face.

“You two have a certain something.”

Byron laughed. “It’s called chemistry. Those two have it in spades. Drives our other pack members nuts.”

Ford grinned. “I can understand that. Olivia and I have a bond that only Argus comes close to. The others are just fun distractions.” Ford chuckled. “But don’t tell them that.”

The casting director was standing next to the printer, and she grabbed a sheaf of paper. “Here. Fill these out. I am guessing that you aren’t in the guild.”

“I am in the writers’ guild.”

“Now you need another one. You two look exactly right together as far as I am concerned. Can you act?”

“Uh. No.”

Teyval said, “Miss Pixie, what are you doing out here in the wild world?”

She blinked. “I am looking for something, anything, to help the others.”

“Would you take my help?” He kissed her hand.

“Would you offer it?” She leaned back and stared at his familiar and beloved features.

“I would, but I need to keep you close. Can you tolerate a troll like me at your side?”

She smiled. “I think that is the best place to keep you.”

He grinned. “Then, let’s go.”

She giggled and then sobered. She looked at Ford and the casting director. “Was that acting?”

Ford nodded. “That was acting. I could really see you two starting to fall in love.”

The casting director nodded. “You two are so sweet together. We will have to dye your hair.”

Ford paused. “I think we can get away with a wig or colour-depositing conditioner or shampoo.”

Teyval chuckled. “I think the decision is weighted in your favour.”

She sighed and shrank back to her human size. “I really am not interested.”

Teyval laughed. “Tough. I am asking you to, please, participate if they offer you the job. You are the only pixie I am comfortable manhandling.” He scooped her up and held her on his arm.
