Page 47 of Too Many Alphas

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Teyval chuckled. “See? Told you. I am impressive.”

She looked over to Byron. “And you are linked to this ego?”

Byron shrugged. “He’s even-tempered and well-read. Generally, it isn’t an issue.”

Denith came by with her plate, and a male server brought the other three. She looked at it and cocked her head. She tried to reach it, but Teyval held her fast. “Teyval, put me down.”

“Retract the teddy bear.”

“Fine. No more cuddling with you.” She looked at him with challenge in her eyes.

He smirked. “Teddy bear it is.” He set her in her chair.

She prodded the beef and vegetables and then ate her first bite. She smiled and kept consuming the deconstructed beef stew. Popcorn chicken and cheese-stuffed potato hashbrown nuggets followed it. The end came with three different desserts.

She was happy to have made it through the entire meal. When they got up to leave, Denith grabbed her and hauled her into the walk-in freezer. He shoved her skirt up, opened his chef whites and rocked her against him while his mouth drove her wild. The rough feel of his denim-zipper front pressed against her, and they humped and groaned together in a frenzy until she shrieked, and he grunted as he pressed tight to her, letting the rest of his breath out on a slow groan.

She shivered and held onto him, watching her breath frost his hair, forming a cloud next to his ear. “Maybe a freezer isn’t the best place for this.”

He sighed. “Perhaps not. I will be able to get through the evening though.”

“How much longer are you here?”

“Five hours. I will be home around midnight.”

“Are you going to let me get my skirt down, or are you waiting until we freeze together?”

He chuckled, and they parted and righted their clothing. She finished closing his whites, and he smirked. “Thank you for dessert.”

“Oh, shut up.” She chuckled, and they exited the freezer. She was surprised to see three broad backs keeping an audience from intruding.

Myrtle ran her hands down her hips to make sure her skirt was in place and then tapped Byron on the back. “We are decent.”

He nodded and turned. “The freezer is not as soundproofed as anticipated. The staff were congregating. And listening.”

She turned to Denith. “Thank you for the meal. You can keep your tip to yourself.”

He grinned, and his eyes flared crimson. “See you at home, Myrtle.”

The guys closed around her, and they exited the restaurant. Byron’s bodyguarding came in handy. She felt like he was watching out for her, and she started writing a scene while they walked to the curb where the vehicle was waiting.

On the way home, she sat centred and got back to work.

Chapter Eight

Byron and Teyval were both with her, and she had a visitor’s pass on a lanyard. She was sitting in a corner, looking at the young women applying to be the patchwork pixie. She was in human shape and puttering with a tablet that Teyval had brought her.

Teyval was in full monster mode, and the ladies were not as brave as they looked. The director groaned after another six women who exuded panic came and went. This was the afternoon lineup.

The director looked at Teyval. “Can you be less creepy?”

Myrtle looked at Ford. “Yes. Can you be less blue with your black?”

Ford jolted. “Damn. I forgot you were there.”

“Yeah. That happens. He isn’t creepy. They are just lacking confidence.”

The casting director frowned. “I suppose you could do it better?”
