Page 55 of Too Many Alphas

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Olivia smiled. “By being enchanting?”

“No. It’s complicated.” She didn’t want to tell her about the origins of what was going on, including the new wave of betas suddenly turning into very specific omegas for very specific alphas, who also were on the scene in the last fifteen years. The queen’s diary had been very informative. She was still sorting things out but had a very good idea of what was taking place. The queen was around. She just wasn’t making herself known.

The mass of Elite omegas that were making themselves known was interesting, and it was difficult for her to keep track of the plot.

As the impromptu party continued, Myrtle found herself cornered by Ruby. “What do you mean queen?”

“Oh. This is a long conversation.”

They walked and sat in a corner of the yard. Myrtle explained, “The Elite were worried about the dark Elite taking over, so when a queen emerged and the dark Elite got excited, the regular guys murdered her mates while she was in labour, and then they killed her and the new baby. Charming. The dark Elite were stunned and let themselves be herded into the bowls of the stronghold. They became the battery for what the Elite have become today.”


“Yeah. So, I don’t know what the queen is waiting for, but I know she is out there. She’s what set us all off.”

“How do we find her?”

“We don’t. When she is up for this, she will make herself known.” She smiled. “I am guessing she’s going to show up in the next year or so.”

Ruby blinked. “Why?”

“The royal court was planned at twelve ladies-in-waiting of the inner court. Twenty-four lords or guards to watch over the inner court. One queen, one king, and one adviser. That was the plan.” Myrtle sighed. “But the plans went awry.”

“How did you get this information?”

Myrtle explained about the diary and how she had gotten possession of it.

Ruby asked, “Can I read it?”

“I don’t think so. I think I can only read it because of Teyval. He is the archivist, and it was his idea to keep them in touch with modern information. It helped them ease into modern life. Most of them just had to get a grip on modern plumbing and traffic,” she explained. “I touched the book, and it downloaded into my brain. The pages themselves are blank.”

Ruby blinked. “Oh.”

“And the Elite were terrified of touching it, so best we leave it unmolested.” Myrtle shrugged. “Also, there is nothing on the pages, as I stated.”

“Right. But you think the queen is going to manifest.”

“I think she already has. We just have to wait until she introduces herself. The fun thing about her is that she can’t be flickered into view by another one of us. If she looks human right now, she isn’t going to be fooled into flickering.”

Ruby nodded then asked, “If she is the queen, where is the king?”

“Teyval won’t tell me. He just says that he is safe to check the book.” She grimaced. “There is nothing about it in the book, just that she knew when he lived and knew when he died.”

Ruby blinked. “But that would have referred to the dead king, not the current one.”

“Oh. Shit. Right.” Her stomach growled. “Dang. I have to get something to eat.”

“Me, too. Let’s get back to the group. Are you still good to be the patchwork pixie?”

“I suppose. Why aren’t you?”

“My belly is going to be noticeable very shortly. There will be no running and jumping. In fact, there is another one of us arriving who will be acting as your stunt double.”

They walked back to the party, and Myrtle saw a tall elf with a curtain of straight hair talking with Nisha.

“And that is Rex. Your stunt double. She can double you big or little.”

“So soon?”
