Page 57 of Too Many Alphas

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“Where are her mates?”

“Not a clue. I don’t recognize any of her attributes. I am sure that something more obvious will present itself. Her mates may be at the stronghold.”

Byron frowned. “There is something familiar about her. I am sure it will come to me.”

Three months after Myrtle took care of Denith’s rut, Teyval was watching Rex run through a few fight moves with Byron when she accidentally took a blow to the face. She growled and showed fangs, and two long katanas were held in her hands, and Byron backed up and showed his neck. She exhaled slowly, and the swords disappeared. She apologized, and Teyval blinked. He knew who her mates were. He was pretty sure the Elite still had them in chains. They were dangerous, even to their own kind.

Rex smoothed her hair down, and it was then that Teyval realized her hackles had gone up. Well, she might just be the right match after all.

Myrtle came over and sat next to him. “You figured out who her mates are, right?”

He chuckled and nodded. “Not pleasant, but very effective. Royal assassins.”

“Oh. Well. I am guessing that Rex doesn’t know that.”

“Do you think she would care?”

“Not really. Her sister is normal. Rex has a niece who attends a local private school. She is doing this to make her niece proud. Her niece is a tween who loves going to see the Patchwork Pixie every winter. When she was asked to be my stunt woman, her niece screamed yes before Rex had a chance to confirm, so she was locked in.”

He chuckled.

“So, are you going to go and find her mates?”

“I can’t. They are chained in place. We were loose. We could make a portal and leave. They are shackled to the foundation of the stronghold itself.”

“We should get them out.”

Teyval looked at her. “No. We are not going in for them. She can, but we are not going to participate. Not now.”

She glared at him. “I am not showing yet.”

He shrugged. “We are not destined to return to that place.”

She stared at him. “You aren’t kidding. You are actually being directed away from the stronghold.”

“We are. None of us can return. It seems to be a one-way journey.” He suspected that there was influence expanding out of the stronghold, but whether it was coming from the light Elite or his own kind was a mystery. He tried to distract her. “How is the nausea?”

“Fine. Denith’s meal plan seems to be working.” She sighed and fluffed out her skirt.

“How are your book sales?”

She beamed and began chatting about sales and reviews and different outlets. She glowed with happiness. When Myrtle was happy, they all felt it, and if she could make it through filming, they would never ask her to leave her comfort zone again. If she chose to leave it, that was one thing, but she was content with them, and they wouldn’t push her further. Myrtle was their mate, and she had finally begun to enjoy that fact. They weren’t about to rock the boat. They were all happy with their deadly partner, and she was content with them, and together, a future was taking shape.

* * * *

Myrtle looked at Teyval and reached up to stroke his cheek. “I am not going to go charging off to the stronghold in search of other dark Elite.”

He exhaled, and tension went out of him.

“Before the baby is born. After the baby, I will see what is needed. I think I can hold my own against those pasty freaks.”

He grinned. “You are one of those pasty freaks, love.”

“Yeah, and I am carrying a baby who is going to be somewhere in between.”

“They will probably look like a little beta.”

“I dunno. This is elf-on-elf action. I am guessing charcoal with blue eyes and white hair. We will find out in thirty-three weeks.”
