Page 43 of A New Love

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With that, Charlotte ended the call, her hand trembling slightly as she set the phone down on the table. She took a deep breath, allowing herself a moment of pride in standing up for herself and her dreams.

Daniel's voice continued to crackle through the phone, his words sharp and persistent. Charlotte could sense his desperation as he tried to maintain control over her choices.

"Charlotte," he pleaded, "you're making a huge mistake. You have no experience in running a business, let alone an inn. What if it doesn't work out? Have you even thought about that? Look, we can talk about this later," Daniel said, his tone suggesting he had already dismissed her words. "I'll call you tomorrow."

She picked up the phone again. "I won’t answer. Goodbye, Daniel," Charlotte replied firmly, her hand shaking as she ended the call. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage like armor around her heart.

"Mom? Are you okay?" Amelia asked gently, her concern etched across her face.

"Better than ever, sweetie," Charlotte assured her daughter, her voice still wavering but filled with newfound conviction

Glancing back to the laptop screen, Charlotte met Amelia's proud smile. The knowledge of her daughter's unwavering support filled her with a fierce determination to pursue her dreams, no matter what challenges lay ahead. With every fiber of her being, Charlotte knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter—one where she would finally prioritize her own happiness and ambitions.

"Mom," Amelia said softly, her eyes shining with pride and admiration, "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, sweetheart," Charlotte replied, her voice thick with emotion.

It was the dawning of a new era—one of independence.


The salty breeze of Chesham Cove tugged at Charlotte’s chestnut curls and played with the hem of her skirt, making her feel as free and untamed as the sea before her. Her heart swelled with joy as she marveled at the beauty of her surroundings, the quaint seaside town that had welcomed her so warmly.

As she walked, her eyes scanned the bustling scene, searching for one particular individual among the fisherman, sailors, and merchants. Suddenly, there he was - Simon Harris. He stood tall and rugged, his strong hands deftly working on the ropes of a fishing boat, while his deep brown eyes seemed to reflect the very waters of the cove.

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat as excitement washed over her face, transforming her features into a picture of pure delight. There he was, the man who had stirred emotions within her she thought long buried, feelings she never imagined could resurface after all these years.

Taking in a deep breath, she felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation bubble inside her like a boiling cauldron. Her pulse raced as her mind filled with thoughts of their last encounter, the sweet stolen moments they shared, and the undeniable connection between them.

"Focus," she whispered to herself, gathering her courage. With a determined stride, she made her way toward Simon, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and nerves.

"Simon!" she called out as she drew closer, her voice a blend of warmth and eagerness.

At the sound of her voice, Simon paused in his work and looked up. A genuine smile spread across his chiseled features as he caught sight of Charlotte. "Charlotte," he replied, his tone equally excited, "I didn't expect to see you down here today."

"Neither did I," she admitted with a soft laugh, her eyes sparkling with joy. "But I found myself drawn to the harbor, and I'm so glad I did."

"Me too," Simon agreed, his gaze locked on her, as if she were the only thing that mattered in that moment. It was a rare connection, one that Charlotte felt deep in her soul and knew would change her forever.

The sea breeze tousled Charlotte's auburn hair as she approached Simon, her heart skipping a beat. The scent of salt and fish filled the air, mingling with the distant cries of seagulls overhead. Chesham Cove had always been a place of solace for Charlotte, but now, with Simon's presence, it held even more meaning.

"Simon, I wanted to tell you about my plans for The Crown," Charlotte said, her voice filled with enthusiasm and hope. "Now that I’ll be the owner, I've been working on some ideas for the interior design – using reclaimed wood from old fishing boats and adding local artwork to give it a true coastal feel."

"Really?" Simon asked, his eyes brightening. "That sounds incredible, Charlotte. I love that you're embracing the history and spirit of our town. New owner, you say?" He feigned innocence. “That mean you’re staying?”

With each word he spoke, Charlotte felt the warmth of genuine interest radiating from him. An unexpected sense of comfort calmed her, and she knew it was safe to share her dreams with this man who stood before her. “Yes. For quite some time.”

"Well then, Charlotte," Simon began, his voice filled with excitement. "Would you allow me the pleasure of taking you on a third date?" His eyes sparkled like the sea at sunrise - full of hope and promise.

She could hardly contain her own enthusiasm as she answered, "I'd love that, Simon."

"Great," he replied with a wide, genuine smile. "I know just the place."

As they continued their conversation, the sound of heavy boots crunching on gravel caught their attention. A fisherman approached them, his weathered face creased with lines from years spent battling the elements. He waved a friendly hand as he called out, "Oi, boss! Got a minute?"

"Of course," Simon nodded to the fisherman before turning to Charlotte, his expression apologetic. "Just give me a moment, please."

As Simon stepped away to speak with the fisherman, Charlotte's mind raced with curiosity. She glanced back at Simon, admiring his strong, capable hands as he gestured while speaking to the fisherman. Boss? Could it be possible that he held a more significant role in the harbor than she had initially thought?
