Page 44 of A New Love

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Lost in her thoughts, Charlotte barely noticed when Simon returned to her side. "Sorry about that," he said, his eyes warm as they met hers. "Sometimes, things need my attention around here."

"Of course," she replied, her curiosity momentarily sated by his presence. "So, where were we?"

"Ah, our next date," Simon grinned, excitement bubbling beneath his words. "I was thinking we could take a walk along the cliffs. The view is breathtaking, and I think it would be the perfect backdrop for getting to know each other even better."

"Sounds lovely," Charlotte agreed, her heart swelling with anticipation. "I can't wait."

"Neither can I," Simon admitted, his eyes full of promise as they locked onto hers. And in that moment, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, Charlotte felt a surge of excitement - not only for their next date but for the future unfolding before them.

"Boss?" she asked suddenly, her voice tinged with both confusion and curiosity.

"Ah, yes," Simon responded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "I suppose I should have mentioned it before."

"Charlotte, this is Jack," he said, gesturing toward the fisherman who had joined them. The man was burly, with a salt-and-pepper beard that seemed to have seen its fair share of ocean storms. "He's one of the fishermen working under me."

"Under you?" Charlotte repeated, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

Simon chuckled, nodding as he scratched the back of his neck. "Yes, I'm actually the boss here at the harbor."

"Nice to meet you, Miss," Jack said gruffly, extending a calloused hand to Charlotte. She took it, feeling the rough texture from years of labor.

"Likewise," she replied, trying to keep the astonishment from her voice. Her gaze drifted back to Simon, taking in the rugged handsomeness that somehow seemed even more fitting given his newfound status. A sense of pride swelled within her chest, and she smiled.

"Jack, we'll discuss those issues tomorrow," Simon said, turning his attention back to the fisherman. "Right now, I'd like to spend some time with Charlotte."

"Of course, boss," Jack replied, nodding respectfully before heading back to his duties. As he disappeared into the bustling harbor, Charlotte found herself eager to learn more about this side of Simon she hadn't yet discovered.

"Quite the responsibility you have here," she said, her eyes meeting Simon's once more.

"Indeed, it keeps me on my toes," he admitted with a grin. "But I wouldn't trade it for anything." The sincerity in his voice conveyed the depth of his passion for his work, and Charlotte found herself drawn even closer to him.

Charlotte watched the fisherman walk away, his boots leaving traces in the damp sand as he rejoined the flurry of activity on the docks. Her gaze lingered for a moment before drifting back to Simon, her eyes wide with surprise and intrigue. "I had no idea you were the boss here," she admitted, her voice carrying a note of fascination.

Simon chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, there's still a lot we don't know about each other." He gestured toward the harbor, where several boats bobbed gently in the water. "I actually own a few of these vessels. I've been working on expanding my business here in Chesham Cove."

"Wow," Charlotte breathed, her eyes following his pointing finger to the boats. The early evening sun danced upon the gentle waves, casting a warm golden glow over the scene. She could almost feel the salty breeze against her skin as she pictured Simon at the helm of one of those boats, conquering the open sea. A newfound admiration for him bubbled within her chest. "That's incredible, Simon."

"Thank you," he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly from the compliment. The wind tousled his dark hair, making him appear even more rugged and outdoorsy than usual. "It's been a challenging journey, but every time I set out on the water, I'm reminded of why I love it so much."

Charlotte was struck by the passion that shone through his words. It was clear he held a deep connection to the harbor and the community within it, something she too appreciated. In that moment, she felt a stronger bond forming between them, a shared understanding of the importance of chasing one's dreams.

"I can only imagine how rewarding it must be to see your hard work pay off."

Simon's eyes sparkled with gratitude, and he reached out to gently squeeze her hand. "It is," he agreed, his voice filled with warmth. "And I have a feeling that your inn will be just as successful." Simon's smile was contagious, and she returned it. "I've faced my fair share of obstacles, but I'm prepared to overcome them. What about your inn? Surely you have big dreams for it too?"

Charlotte nodded enthusiastically, and together, they strolled along the harbor as seagulls called overhead, their conversation flowing effortlessly between them.

"Sometimes, when I'm out there alone with nothing but the wind and the waves, I feel so free," he confessed, his eyes reflecting the depths of the sea itself. "It's like I've left all my worries behind on shore, and all that matters is that moment."

"I felt that way, painting The Crown," Charlotte murmured, her heart swelling with pride for this man she'd come to care for so deeply. "And it reminds me why I fell in love with art in the first place – the freedom to create and express myself."

"Ah, yes," Simon replied with a nod. "Art and the sea have more in common than one might think. They both offer escape."

“It seems I ran to the sea, too,” she observed, and he laughed in reply. “Maybe I’m a mermaid, after all.”

“Some kind of siren, to be sure,” he replied.

As they made their way back to the village, Charlotte felt as though the tides were shifting – both within her heart and in the world around her. And for the first time in a long while, she was eager to embrace the change.
