Page 102 of My Shameless Angel

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Our bodies are pressed tightly together. I feel his heartbeat, and he feels mine. Our sweat is mixed together, and our hands are locked tight above my head. His kisses are more desperate. His cock is deeper than ever before. I feel him. I feel all of him. Tonight, we are one.

He murmurs my name softly at first, then it grows louder and louder on his lips as I feel him growing even thicker, even larger inside me.

Tonight, he is not holding back. He is giving me everything. He is giving me his body, his heart, his soul.

And he can have mine. All of it. All of me.

I am forever his.

We erupt in heavenly orgasms together and cling to one another as it blasts through us. I feel his, and he feels mine.

Once we both climb down from our climaxes, he pulls me on top of himself, and we just lay together in a tangled, sweaty mess.

“I love you so much. So-so-so much,” he says, kissing the top of my head, and I respond by kissing his chest.

“You choose me?”

“Always Kitten, always. I was already planning to have a proper divorce right before Jenn’s accident.”

“You were?” I ask, hating how eager I sound. Yes, I’m a horrible person, but I can’t help it.

Landon chuckles lightly. “Yes, you are it for me, Lexi. No other woman has ever made me feel the way you do or had me wrapped around her tiny fingers like a vice. You drive me nuts, woman, but I won’t have it any other way.”

“Good because those tiny fingers won’t let you go.”

“They better not.”


That day we didn’t leave our room until the next morning, and it wasn’t about sex. Well, not all of it.

Oddly, this crap situation brought us closer than before. I feel him on a different level, and he cherishes me like never before. If I had to swallow my pride, I’m glad it was for himbecause Landon doesn’t take that for granted. He knows what his omission did to me, the insecurities it brought out, and he won’t make the same mistakes again.

This morning we received a call from the hospital that Jennifer didn’t make it through the night, she suffered yet another seizure, and it was the last drop for her battered body.

No matter what happened, I feel for her. She suffered so much, being a pawn in someone else’s plan, especially since she loved the man who lied to everyone with her whole heart. I cannot imagine what it must have been like to hear Dominic say all those hurtful words, slicing her heart wide open.

Landon has already let it all go, let her go, and now it seems that Jenn did too.



One week later…

“Mr. Locke, all the documents have finally been submitted and filed away. It only took me a whole week to fix your drunken mess,” my beautiful girlfriend says as she strides into my office in that leather skirt of hers. The same one she wore on her first day at Fashion Linc.

If only she knew how symbolic it is.

It’s been a week since I said my goodbyes to Jennifer, a week since her physical body passed away. Living through that experience hasn’t been easy, but Lexi didn’t leave my side as promised and helped me to put all my skeletons to rest.

It’s been a week since we returned to work, and I discovered exactly how bad of a disaster I created while binge drinking here. Let’s just say Lexi was not happy with me. She loves this company even more than I do and has been working day and night to set it back on the path to success.

“How will I ever thank you for all your hard work?” I ask with a smirk as she sits on the edge of my desk, and I trap her betweenmy legs, gliding my hands over her gorgeous legs, and slip under the skirt.

“I can think of a few ways,” Lexi bites her bottom lip and smiles.

“Hmm, just a few?” I keep climbing up her thighs until I reach a wet piece of lace. “Miss Ellis, are you trying to kill me?”
