Page 107 of My Shameless Angel

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And I’ll do anything for them.


5 years later:

“Lia, sweetheart come on, we gotta go,” I call out to our four-year-old daughter. “Grandma already called five times asking when her favorite little girls and boys will be coming over.”

“I’m coming, Mommy. I went back for the picture I drew for Nana and Papa,” Lia tells me, tucking in a crumpled piece of paper with doodles on it into her pink backpack.

Over the past five years, I’ve been living in an absolute fairytale.

Landon and I had a dreamy small wedding two months after he proposed, and despite my wish to wait half a year before westarted trying to have kids, we got pregnant on our honeymoon. Lan took me on a trip through Europe, but we didn’t make it all the way since morning sickness is no joke, and our little daughter in my belly cut the trip short.

But we were overjoyed with the news and didn’t mind one bit.

I’ve never seen Landon as happy as he was when the nurse handed him our tiny crying Lia wrapped up in a swaddle, and as soon as he looked at her, he turned to me and asked how soon we could have another.

Yes, my husband is absolutely crazy, but he is my kinda crazy.

Two years later, our twins, Logan and Luna, were born. Logan being an older brother by the whole two minutes.

I had all the intentions to stop after the twins, but how could I not have more kids when their daddy was running for the best father of the year award each year and had only one competition, Julius, who is as crazy about his daughters as my Landon is about our kids.

Two years later—just a few months ago—I gave birth to Liam, who is now fussing and crying in his car seat while his older siblings pack all their belongings for a sleepover at grandma and grandpa’s place.

My parents absolutely adore their grandchildren and spoil them rotten.

Seriously, between Landon and them, I have no option but to be the bad guy who has to discipline them. How is that fair?

But I guess that’s how life goes, and you won’t see me complaining.

I have all I ever wanted and then some.

A loving husband who supports and helps me with every little thing.

Amazing, beautiful children who are beyond perfect, even when they drive me nuts.

The best friends who now also double as godparents to our kids, and we are the same to theirs.

Kate and Julius have three daughters who are all little ballerinas like their mama and drive their daddy crazy with worry for the future.

I am dying to see Landon and Julius let their girls go on dates. Dying.

Kate and I are already stocking up on popcorn.

I hope my kids don’t go through the same heartbreak we did, but even if life happens, we will be here by their side.

Always and forever because life can be born even from the darkest of ashes…



Well, this was quite a journey for me. Writing this particular series is a challenge, but one I welcome. Landon and Lexi are special, and their story took me by surprise, but it did roll in like an avalanche and I could not sleep until all the ideas were on paper.

I Hope you enjoyed it and I promise I have more up my sleeve!

Up next is my heartless girl, Kira Clark.
