Page 34 of My Shameless Angel

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The boyfriend that crushed me. The boyfriend that took my virginity, heart, mind, soul, and time. The boyfriend who told me I’m not enough and never will be. The boyfriend that made methe other woman…

Oh, did I forget to mention that fact before?


Stuart Dirk made me out to be a mistress.

Not that I knew anything about his fucking wife while he pretended to date me, to love me, and to cherish me. Feeding metoxic lies until my ears could no longer hold all the bullshit he was piling up on them.

Stuart Dirk came crashing into my life when I was barely eighteen years old to his thirty-two at that time. He came in like a shiny Prince Charming, swooping me into his tight embrace. Showering me with attention and gifts, beautiful words, and worthless promises. I was just a child and had constant hearts in my eyes until my father poked those out with brutal truths.

Thank you, Dad. But that’s beside the point right now.

“What a lovely surprise, running into you here,” he says in his sick, sick voice. How did I love that voice for two years? When all it does now is trigger nausea in the pit of my stomach.

“Stuart,” I simply say with that stupid smile never leaving my face. “A surprise indeed.”

“How you’ve been, little princess?” My posture immediately changes at the mere mention of the nickname I used to love and crave to hear each day.

Prick. Sick prick. And the wife’s brains must be as fake as the rest of her since she didn’t catch Stuart’s little pet name for me. Or maybe she simply doesn’t care what her cheating bastard of a husband does as long as her next plastic surgery is paid for.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, get ready for my brilliant plan…

“I have been doing absolutely fabulous, Stuart, enjoying my new life, new job, and a new boyfriend.” At the last word, Stuart’s head snaps to the man sitting across from me, who doesn’t look baffled at all. In fact, the bosshole bastard is smirking so hard I’m afraid for his cheeks.

Yes, this was my brilliant plan which I am already regretting.

Landon winks at me and stands up from his chair, offering a hand to Stuart. “Landon Locke, Lexi’s boyfriend, pleasure.”

My asshole ex-boyfriend looks back and forth between my new fake asshole boyfriend and me and visibly pales. Whenthese two are standing next to each other, is it self-evident who is the more successful one and the more handsome one out of the two.

Landon. Clearly, Landon. The guy just oozes confidence and enigma. Beauty and stamina.

One look at him, and you know he won’t let you out of bed until you are sore beyond walking or even crawling.

Crap, wrong thoughts, Lexi! Wrong freaking thoughts.

We are in the middle of a crisis here and the said bosshole came to your rescue. I already know that he will demand payment for this favor, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to survive it.

However, if I get to stick it to Stuart-die-in-hell-Dirk, I’ll pay anything.

“Stuart Dirk, Lexi’s…” the idiot looks at me with a knowing smile. “Lexi’s friend.”

“Interesting,” Landon replies, sitting back down and interlacing our hands together.

I inhale sharply; his touch does something to me. Something I’m not ready to admit, but I keep holding onto his hand as if it’s my lifeline.

“Your name sounds familiar,” Stuart says.

“I’m the CEO of Fashion Linc.” As soon as Landon says that, the wife perks up. Clearly, she knows what that is and what it means.

My man is better than yours, and yes, he runs the biggest magazine in the world.

My man? My man, Lexi?Whatever. Suck it, Stuart.

“Wow, I see you keep climbing, little princess?” Stuart addresses me, and at that exact moment, Landon wraps his hand around my waist, drawing me flushed to his side, and throws the deadliest glare at Stuart. “Alexandra. She is Alexandra to everyone but me. Keep well to remember that Mr. Dirk.”

Stuart narrows his eyes at Landon. “It was good to see you, Lexi,” he says to me and walks away without acknowledging myboyfriend.

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