Page 37 of My Shameless Angel

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Alexandra Ellis doesn’t deserve to be played with.

And that is exactly why I couldn’t sleep. Part of me wanted nothing more than to drag her into my bed or bend her over mydesk and show her that she existed to please me. But the other part—the very, very tiny non-dominant part—was screaming to let her go. Lexi is smart and drop-dead gorgeous. She is sharp and keeps cutting me with her edges, and I seem to be into that kink since I keep coming for more.

But somewhere around four AM, I made a decision, me bleeding out from old and very much healed wounds is not worth the game. One hot night with her is not worth it.

Because there is no doubt in my mind that she will make me bleed. She already does. She is already messing with my head, making me want things I should never have. Making me be someone I can never be.

So, here I am in front of Lexi’s house at six AM, waiting. Well, not anymore since she just came out and saw me standing here.

“I’m here to pick up my girlfriend,” I joke with her even though I don’t feel like joking. That word rolled out of my mouth way too easy.

See, she is already messing with my head.

Lexi rolls her eyes, “I am not your girlfriend, so why don’t we cut to the chase.”

“You were last night, remember?”

“It was fake, remember?”

“What if I don’t want it to be fake?” Wait, what??? Where the hell did that come from? Who said that? It sure as hell could not have been me!

Shit, please tell me she will take it as a joke because that is not what I came over to say to her.

“Landon!” She threatens me. Whew, she didn’t take me seriously. I mean, why would she? However, why did it send a tingle of hurt through my cold, dead heart?

Okay, time to say what I came here to say.

“Sorry, sorry. Actually, I came over to tell you that you don’t need to come to work today. Or any day for that matter.”

“What do you mean? You are firing me?” Is that hurt in her voice? Fuck.

“Isn’t that what you wanted?” I ask, confused.

Last night I decided to let her go and stop playing my wicked games with her. I decided to take back control of my life from her tiny, fragile hands.

“Just last night, you demanded I work six more months for you. Did I do something wrong?”

I run a hand through my hair; this is not going how I imagined it. I thought she’d be ecstatic.

“No, no, you are a perfect assistant, but I don’t want to be an asshole that makes you work at a place you hate for a boss you clearly despise.”

Her face morphs from confused to downright speechless, with slightly parted lips and a stunned expression. “Who are you? And what have you done to Landon Locke?”

“Oh my God, can you stop? I’m trying to be a bigger person over here,” I say, annoyed. I really am trying to be good to her.

“You are wrong,” she says.

“About what?”

“About your reasons for firing me.” Now, I’m the confused one, and without waiting for my response, she continues. “I love Fashion Linc and have always dreamed of working there. Now, yes, my boss is an asshole, but I’m not some delicate flower that can’t take it.”

Delicate flower, I like that.

Stop it. You’re not supposed to like it. Or her.

“So, if those are the only reasons for the termination of my contract, I refuse. We agreed on six months last night, and I always keep my word. I will work the whole term, and then we can discuss how to proceed.”

Great, I guess I won’t be seeing any dreams for the next six months because there is no way I’ll be able to sleep. My mind willbe—and already is—preoccupied with Lexi. Seeing her every day will not help.
