Page 39 of My Shameless Angel

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However, the most important question here is, why am I not feeling worse about this? Why am I almost happy to go to work this morning?

Oh, hell, he did it. He got under my skin.

Time to build a thicker one.


The following two weeks pass in a sort of peaceful bliss. Yes, I still get to come to work at seven AM and usually don’t leave by midnight, but Landon genuinely tries to stay out of my way and doesn’t bait me as much.

It’s almost…boring. Hmph.

Another curious occurrence is that I haven’t seen a single girl cross his office door in those two weeks. This does not help my case of growing thicker skin to resist the man because now that he is almost ignoring me, isn’t sleeping around, and behavesordinarily normally, my attraction has grown by a thousand times.

I’m so messed up.

So, my assumption is that he did, in fact, get taken by aliens, and in return, they planted his peaceful, calm, and polite twin to watch over us. Alien twin.

And I almost persuaded everyone to believe in my theory, but today had to happen.

The bosshole saga has returned.

Ever since Landon stepped out of the elevator, it was evident that he was in his grumpiest mood yet. The atmosphere in the entire building shifted to more of a “stay the fuck away” vibe.

The moment his eyes found mine, he was glaring at me as if I was the wicked black cat that crossed the street in front of his car and set off a chain of events of horrible accidents resulting in the death of his firstborn.

I am not being dramatic. I am dead serious.

Right now, it’s ten AM, and nearly every employee got yelled at by him. None more than me, but they still felt his wrath.

Speaking of me, by this time, he complained about coffee that I left on his desk, stating that it was the wrong order and tasted too sweet. Newsflash, it’s the same order from the same café, prepared by the same barista as I get every day for almost a month now. Ten minutes later, he screamed his lungs out for one email that I hadn’t had the chance to check yet because it dropped three seconds before the yelling fit started.

An hour after that, his breakfast was too spicy. Should I do the newsflash thing again, or have you already caught on that it’s the same damn order every time. And so the fun continued; I just left his office, where he scolded me for poor note-taking during yesterday’s meeting with the creative team.

I don’t know what radioactive spider bit his ass, but if he dares to raise his voice at me one more time, I swear, I’ll snap his neck.

But you know what the most messed up thing is? Landon is barking at me the whole morning, and instead of being sad, on the verge of tears and a nervous breakdown, I am happy.

I am happy that he is paying attention to me once again, even if it’s negative. His passive attitude was starting to really freak me out, and I was getting hurt. For no reason, but that’s beside the point.

I am even contemplating messing up on purpose to hear him yell at me, giving me an excuse to fight back. Our sparing always got my blood pumping, and after a very dull two weeks, I needed some fresh adrenaline in my system.

But there is no need to mess up. He is radiating enough anger today to bring down the whole building.

It is now four PM, and literally, everyone who had meetings scheduled with Mr. Locke today canceled them. Even my best friend, Enzo, just whipped by with lightning speed. They are avoiding our corner like the plague.

“Stop right there, you traitor,” I tell him, and he at least has the decency to wince and look a tiny bit guilty.

“Okay, I love you to the moon and back, but I will not come near your cursed corner today. No freaking way. I have a hot date tonight, and I would like to have all my limbs intact for it,” Enzo whispers to me.

“So, that’s how it’s going to be, huh? You will just leave me to the psycho wolf all by myself?”

“Pshhh, girlfriend, you are no Red Riding Hood. You are the badass hunter who can kill the beast. So, why don’t you do us all a favor and already freaking do it?” He whisper-yells, which would be funny if he wasn’t deadly serious.

“The hunter would not come out unscratched.”

“Seriously, what’s wrong with him? I though he was a changed man and all that?”

“I wish I knew. He’s been at my throat the whole day—” I don’t get to finish my thought because the said beast bellows out my name loud enough for the whole World Trade Center to hear. Maybe even the entire block.
