Page 51 of My Shameless Angel

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“No,” I say and come back into her bubble.

“I said stay away from me. I will not let you touch me after you fucked her.”

Ahhh, there it is. That is why she is pissed. That is why she wants to quit, isn’t it?

An evil smirk tugs on my lips. “Kitten, are you jealous?”

“Me?” She asks in outrage, pointing the finger at herself. “Why would I be jealous? The fact that you are a man whore is not a secret.”



“Was a man whore.”

“Aha, keep telling yourself that. Once a man whore, always a man whore. You kissed me last night, and you already had a different woman on your desk this morning. Hell, you probably had someone in between us at night. Disgusting.” Lexi is fuming with anger, and on any other day, I would find this charming and maybe even tease her a bit—a lot—about it. But today, I need to make one thing clear here.

I snatch her wrists that she keeps throwing around and press her body tight to mine. “You listen to me and listen carefully. Ever since you walked through those doors on your tour here, I didn’t want a single woman beside you.” She swallows hard. “I couldn’t even look at them. Your ass is the only one constantly in front of my eyes, whether it’s day or night. Your green eyes are the magnets, drawing me closer and closer. Your blonde hair, a vice that has its stronghold on me. I live for your snarky comments and sharp tongue. Why? I have no idea, but mytheory is that you are some kind of witch and put a spell on me. So, either undo your spell or spread those pretty legs for me right this second before I rip through your tight pussy like a savage.”

“You…you…” Lexi stutters.

“What’s it going to be, Kitten?”

It only lasts a second, a flash of lightning, but I catch it. I catch the hunger in her eyes, and that’s all the invitation I need. With one fluid motion, I scoop her into my arms and take her back to my desk, where we have unfinished business.

Lexi is not moving, not even breathing but keeps her witchy eyes on me the whole time.

Once again, I clear the surface, this time making sure the phone or anything else won’t bother us.

I lay her down slowly, channeling some inner Buddha for restrain that I don’t have. I trail my hands over her body, her curves absorbing the heat coming off her. Even before my skin touched hers, she arches her back, deep desire written in her every move.

I lean my body over Lexi’s, trapping her on my desk, and lay my lips around her ear, evicting a tremor from her.

“Hmm, so responsive, my little kitten, and such a bad girl for wanting me this much.”

“I d-don’t….”

“You don’t, huh?” I ask without lifting myself away, but my hand sneaks down and disappears under her black pencil skirt that she wore today, hiking it up for excess to her panties.

“And what will I find when my fingers finally reach their destination?”

“How many girls were on this desk before me?” She asks out of nowhere, and a sour, bitter taste spreads in my mouth. Lexi won’t make this easy, will she? But I don’t feel a smudge of shame for wanting what I want and doing what I do. Well, did before she messed up my carefully crafted system.

“A lot.” She tightens her body at my response, closing herself off to me, and my hand stops just an inch away from her soaking-wet panties. Yes, I can tell how wet she is even before I touch her.

This vixen wants me just as bad as I want her, but she will play hard to get.

Usually, I don’t have any patience for those games, and that usually is now as well.

“Don’t even think about moving away,” I tell her in a stern voice. “If I didn’t make myself clear enough just now, listen again. You are now mine, and even if you escape right now, I will hunt you down eventually. I want you, and I always get what I want. Is that clear?”

“I will not be one of your many fuck buddies. Am I clear?” She dead-pans me, and smirk tugs on my lips.

“I’m not asking you to be one of my many fuck buddies.”

“Then what are you asking of me? One time pass?”

I shake my head slowly, “No, Kitten, and this is the last time I will repeat myself. You are mine. And I’m not asking. It’s a statement!”
