Page 64 of My Shameless Angel

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“Only for you, Miss Ellis, only for you.”

She stopped me with her palm pressed to my lips when I was just about to dive in for another kiss. “Stop it. Let’s go and keep your mouth to yourself in the office. Remember my rules?” She escapes my hold and slides into the car.

“You are an evil, evil woman, Lexi,” I say and follow her. “Good thing we are not in the office yet.” I go back to kissing her before she can say another word, and that is how I spend the whole ride there.

“There is no way I don’t look like I have been kissed into oblivion just now. I hate you,” she says when we pull up to the parking garage, and I can’t help but laugh. “Oh, very funny. Youhave nothing to lose, everyone already knows you are a man-whore, but I don’t need my coworkers to see me as another notch on your bedpost or fuck-list.”

Her words wake that demon inside of me, and I take her chin into my hands, pinching it I turn her head until she is staring into my now angry eyes. “You are to never say that again. You hear me? Never.” I look into those ember pools, and just like that, I knew that I wasn’t adding her to my list. She belonged on her own list. Right at the top. Right in the center of my universe.

“That is not who you are to me. Are we clear?”

She takes a deep, steadying breath, “Who am I then, Landon?”

“You are mine.” And with that, I let go of her chin, placed a chaste kiss on her plump lips, and walked away.


I don’t know how she did it, but ten minutes later, I had my usual order of coffee set in front of me with my daily schedule and any notes I needed for the day. Always perfect, my Lexi, and trying to keep my hands to myself is proving a lot harder than we initially thought, especially when the little vixen leans over the desk to grab some paperwork from me and flashes me her tits. The tits that are sitting perfectly in one of the pieces I bought her yesterday.

And all would be great if this didn’t happen in the room full of executives, and I actually needed to pay attention to what came out of their mouths.

Newsflash: I could not hear a damn word they said.

“I really hope you are taking some good notes, Miss Ellis, because the only thing I’m capable of thinking about is bending you the fuck over this desk and running my mouth over thoseperfect tits,” I whisper into her ear and watch as she swallows hard, clenching her thighs together but doesn’t look back at me.

Why should I be the only one in pain during this meeting?

As soon as the last idiot gives his speech, I pull Lexi’s hand and drag her behind me to my office.

My hard-on is getting dangerously close to explosive levels.

“Landon? What are you doing?” She hisses from behind while trying to keep up with me in her mile-high heels. I’d rather carry her, but something tells me she would slap me across my face real fast for that.

Look at me, trying to be understanding.

“I’m bringing my dreams to life, Kitten.” I slam the door behind us, turn the lock and pounce on her like the starved animal I am.

It takes us five seconds to be out of our clothes, and half an hour later, she is lying limp across my chest.

“I cannot believe I just had sex during a workday when anyone could have caught us,” she says.

“Lexi, it’s a freaking miracle I’ve waited until lunch to do this. Give me some credit.” She laughs and props herself up to look at my relaxed and deliriously happy face.

“You are crazy, Lan. And I kinda love it.”

We spend the rest of our lunch kissing and touching each other as much as possible.

I’m not sure where this is going, but one thing is clear.

I really am crazy. Crazy about Alexandra Ellis.



Song: Arcana – The Dark

Is my life crazy? Yes, it definitely is. Because ever since that fateful evening, we are basically inseparable—or our bodies are—and the only time we spend apart is when I go home to sleep. Which now, my sleeping time reduced itself even further to about four hours each night. If that. And I can’t even bring myself to complain because the sacrifice is one hundred percent worth it. Landon is insatiable, and so am I.
