Page 63 of My Shameless Angel

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Yes, just focus on sex, Landon. That’s what you do best.

I ride the elevator to my penthouse in one of the high-rises of Manhattan and shed the suit I was wearing almost immediately once I’m inside.

It smells like her, and I can’t smell like her here.

It’s wrong. So wrong.

I take a quick shower, reluctantly washing that same scent off my body. I really want to keep it on me, but I shouldn’t.

It’s somewhere around three AM, and I should head to bed, but my legs carry me toward to guest room. The room I avoid at all costs. Despite the five thousand square feet of space in this place, it is not enough to shove that room out of my mind.

The closer I get, the louder the noises become. Fucking noises…they drive me nuts…

Slowly, I open an inch and cast a quick look inside. All is good—as good as it can be considering the situation—and I slam the door shut once again.

No, nothing is good, life fucking sucks, but it is what it is, and I can’t change anything.


The sky is barely awake, casting those beautiful orange hues of sunrise, and I am sitting in front of her door again.

I learned something new about myself this night. I am a very weak man. Apparently, three hours away from Lexi is too much, and I could not sleep for a second of it, thinking about her, feeling her soft, fragile body next to mine, breathing in that sweet intoxicating vanilla off her skin.

Why did I take a shower and erase her scent again? Right, I thought that had to be done, and I have regretted it ever since because I need my next fix. My O2 levels are dangerously low, and when I’m about to storm into her apartment, I see a tiny kitten slip out.

My tiny kitten. And God, does this woman own anything casual and not sexy? But you will not see me complaining.

Lexi is wearing a tight black dress that doesn’t reach her knees with lace accents on all the hems, and I see that lace cling to her breasts, driving me crazy at six AM. Her hair is down in those messy waves I love so much, and I just need to drive my hands into it.

She sees my car, and with a smile and a shake of her head, she comes over. I step out, holding a door for her.

“Good morning, my little kitten,” I say and bring my lips to hers as soon as I can, and that is still not fast enough.

I told you, she cast a spell on me.

Just to think that Landon Locke came to pick up a woman in the morning and couldn’t sleep because of her, yeah, that has never happened before. Never. Not even five years ago…or ten…

“Lan,” she says, pulling away from me, and fuck, the way she said my name in that short little nickname went straight to my dick.

Calm down, buddy mommy will make you happy a little later. “Hmm, I love it.”

“Love what?”

“The way you just said my name.”

Lexi smiles at me. “What are you doing here?”

“What does it look like? Picking up my favorite assistant,” I say, pretending I’m not stone-hard for her already. She sends me a flirtatious glance and bites her lip.

Fuck pretending. I grab her with animalistic hunger and press that soft body to mine, kissing her and driving my fingers into those sexy waves of her hair. Lexi brings her hands around my neck, pulling her tiny body higher to meet me, and I enjoy every second of it, getting my fix.

“Landon, we will be late,” she says breathlessly.

“Fuck work. Let me steal you for the whole day. Hell, the whole month.” I go back to her lips because my lungs need more of her air. I’m a suffocating man. My hands travel down to the curve of her ass, and nothing felt better before than that ass in my hold.

Nothing ever felt more right or more mine.

“You are crazy, you know that?” She tells me.
