Page 7 of My Shameless Angel

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Women here don’t normally dress to provoke me unless that is their goal, and for some reason, I don’t think that is the casewith her. This confident beauty gave me a three-second glimpse of herself and that’s all it took for my dick to get the memo.

That three-second glimpse got me more excited than Anna on her knees for five whole minutes.

I think she is on an office tour being led by one of the assistants here, so this is probably her first day.

Quickly, I open the employee system and search for new hires.

It doesn’t take long to spot her name.

So, this is who Alexandra Ellis is.

Yes, I know her.

Well, not on a personal level, as I’d like, but nevertheless, I know that name.

The girl tried to obtain a position here for two straight years. As soon as I denied her, she applied again and again and again. I finally gave the intern position to her purely because of her determination but hell, if I’d known she looked like that, I could’ve been playing my favorite games for two years already.

I pick up my phone and call up the assistant—Julie—who was just giving the tour to Alexandra. “Bring the new girl into my office immediately,” I say, and without waiting for a response, I hang up and sit back in my chair to watch the door with an almost manic look.

Come on, come through that door straight into the demons’ hands.


Knock, knock.

“Mr. Locke? You wanted to see us?” Julie peeks into the door and comes in first, but I shift my head to the side to take a good look at the little kitten standing behind her and feel the corners of my mouth twitch up.

Oh yes, we are going to have so much fun together.

It’s as if Alexandra senses the train of my thoughts, she narrows her emerald-green eyes at me and does not look amused. At all.

Huh, interesting…

“Yes, I did,” I tell my assistant manager. “Thank you, Julie. You may go.”

She looks hesitant to leave me alone with the new girl, but each second of the time that she wastes, I get angrier and angrier. Finally, she takes a deep breath, gives Alexandra a sympathetic eye, and leaves, shutting the door behind herself.

Unlike all the idiots we write about, I make no secret of my wishes, desires, and lifestyle. So, I guess Julie understood all too well what plans I had for the new girl.

The little kitten is left all alone, unprotected, and vulnerable in my office. It almost makes the game boring, but who cares?

Boring or not, she is here to please me.

“Hello, Mr. Locke, I’m Lexi; thank you so much for the opportunity to work at Fashion Linc.” She comes straight to my desk and extends her hand over. Her every move is reeking confidence, class, and power. Maybe this won’t be boring after all. It’s endlessly more fun when you have to break them in.

I watch her every move like a predator, waiting to pounce on his prey. She is close. So close.

I can smell her. She smells like vanilla ice cream. So freaking sweet, it’s making my mouth water.

I take her hand and watch as she takes in a sharp, short breath.

I felt that too, Kitten.
