Page 83 of My Shameless Angel

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Damn it, I will stick by my man, but I so desperately want my parents to get along with the love of my life.

The tension is rising by the second, we all feel it, and mom tries to say something to draw father’s attention, but he won’t stop looking at us. No, Landon, he won’t stop looking at my boyfriend.

Maybe he does think that Lan is too old for me?

“Dad,” I say, and finally, he breaks the staring contest that was freaking me out too much. “Dad, please meet my boyfriend, Landon. Remember, I told you about him?” I try to remind my father how important this man is to me. But if I thought that would help, it seems to have the exact opposite effect.

My father clenches his jaws tight, the muscles in his arms are strained, and his hands are in firm fists.

Intuitively, I position myself in front of Landon. Why? I have no idea.

I don’t really expect my dad to fight him. Do I?

“Dad!” I yell out.

“Step away from my daughter,” my father grids out, and there is so much venom in his voice that it scares me. I’ve never heard that tone before.

“Dad what the hell?” Landon places his hands on my shoulders and leans in.

“I should go. I’ll talk to you later, Lexi,” he says with so much pain it cracks me open.

Immediately I am furious with my dad. And that is something I’ve never felt towards him. Never.

But he knows I love this man, and yet he decided to act like a total asshole.

No, I won’t stand by this.

Landon tries to leave, but I snatch his arm and hold it tight. “Stay,” I tell him in a demanding tone.

“Love, I should leave. We can talk about this later.”

“How dare you talk to her like that? How dare you touch her? Lexi, get over here right now!” My father barks out, and I flinch at the delivery.

Landon all but growls at my dad’s words.

Man, these two clearly have some serious issues I was unaware of.

My heart is splitting into two pieces. On one side is the father I idolized my whole life, the one person who always has my best interests at heart, but on the other side is the man I love so much it hurts. So much that if I ever let him go, I will literally die.

“Dad, I don’t know what your problem is, but if you don’t stop it right away, I will leave and never come back,” I say tomy father and watch him snarl at Landon. Yes, I will pick Lan. Always.

“How could you stick your filthy talons into my daughter? I will destroy you!” He threatens my boyfriend, and I lose it. Steam is coming out of me like a hot kettle.

“Stop it! We are done here.”

Mom is in a panic trying to talk to dad, but he won’t budge. “Alexandra, do you even know who you got in bed with?” My dad asks, and once again, I flinch at his delivery.

So, I guess he does know Landon and obviously knows of his manwhoring days.

“I know everything about him, and I love him just the way he is. People change, dad.” This is the first time I have said the word love to Landon, and it is not how I wanted to break the news to him by any means.

However, what’s worse is his reaction. If I thought he would be happy and excited and maybe tell me he loves me too, I was deadly wrong. His pale skin grows even whiter, and he nearly faints right here in the hallway of my parent’s house.

“Lexi, please stop. I’ll just go,” he manages to tell me and walks out the door with defeat and so much gut-wrenching pain it hurts me.

He knew. He knew this would end badly, but I didn’t listen to him. I pushed for this meeting too fast. Too soon.

I am left standing there in a slight stupor, not knowing how the hell this perfect day crushed and burned on this magnitude in a split second. Part of me wishes to know what type of history these two have between them. Leave it up to me to find one guy in this huge city that my father doesn’t approve of, but nothing he says will matter to me, so I guess I don’t need to know unless Landon shares it with me.
