Page 82 of My Shameless Angel

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Okay, fine, I did mention that he is a little older than me, but Josh and Briana Ellis are no snobs; they won’t care. For the first time in my life, I am one hundred percent sure of someone; no matter who says what, I will stay on his side.

My mother comes out first with a bright smile and shining eyes. At only forty-two years old, my mom could easily pass for my sister, if not an identical twin. I am her carbon copy in the looks with emerald-green eyes, blonde hair—that she wears a lot longer than me—and a tiny frame. But on the inside, I am all dad. I have his stern character and unforgiving heart. He is just three years senior mom, but there is not a soul in New York who is more successful than him. He made his first billion at the ageof twenty by smart investment in a very famous tech company, and to say that it has grown since is an understatement.

Officially, he is a lawyer, but the last time he practiced, I was still in junior high. He primarily deals with investments and real estate, and yes, he does own a law corporation but just in the name alone.

“Oh, Josh, come, come, our baby is home,” my mom rushed over and snagged me into a bear hug, well as bear as two five-foot-four ladies can manage.

“Hi, Mommy. I missed you guys so much!”

“Well, you should visit more often, young lady,” mom scolds me playfully, and then her eyes travel over to Landon. I see moms jaw dropping right there on the spot, and I chuckle softly.

I turn back, taking Landon’s hand, and make a proper introduction, “Mom, please meet my boyfriend, Landon Locke.” I look up to the man I am madly in love with and send him a warm smile, translating that there is nothing to worry about, but he is extra tense today.

What is going on?

“Landon, this is Briana Ellis, the most amazing mother in the world.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Landon,” my mom says, extending her hand for a shake, and to his benefit, he doesn’t shake it but turns it and kisses the back of it.

Yep, my mommy is a goner. A puddle just like her daughter.

“Lexi!” She whisper-shrieks. “Where did you find him?” I laugh hard. Sometimes my mom likes to pretend the one she’s talking about isn’t standing right in front of her, and most of the time, it’s awkward, but today I am glad for her ice breaker since it brings a smile to that man’s gorgeous face, making him even more handsome.

“Oh my God, he is too good-looking!” She continues to make us all a little uncomfortable.

“Okay, okay, Mom, stop it,” I say, giving a tight hand squeeze to Landon. “But yes, he is too handsome for his own good.” I wink at him, and he looks at me with a tiny smirk.

Even though he’s been mine for the past four months, I still can’t believe my luck. I still can’t believe that he is mine and he only wants me.

I was waiting for the other shoe to drop every day, but Landon didn’t even look at other females—or males—he only saw me.

Truth be told, I’ve never been this happy. My feet haven’t touched the ground since the day he asked me to be his girlfriend. Yes, we still hide the relationship at work, but we have been slipping lately. It’s so hard to keep our hands off each other, even for a few minutes.

Enzo keeps pestering me with questions, and I want to tell him, but my friend has the biggest mouth in the whole company, and as soon as he knows, the entire world will be broadcasting the news of our engagement.

Let’s just wait until that actually happens. Jesus, Lexi, hold your horses and stop thinking about engagements with a man you had basically hated not even five months ago.

My mother keeps throwing compliments our way, saying what a beautiful couple we are and how happy she is when my father walks in with his arms stretched out, and I run over into them.

“Princess! You are home.” He hugs me tight, picking me up and spinning me around like he always does since I can remember.

I am the definition of daddy’s girl, and he would prefer to do everything for me so I wouldn’t have to work a day out of my life, but dad knows that is not me. I am too much like him and need to make my own way.

Ahem, now, I will not go as far as refusing my trust fund. I am not that crazy, although I’ve been barely using it since I got the job at Fashion Linc.

“I missed you guys so much. You and mom should move to Brooklyn,” I say, and dad bursts out laughing.

“Oh, you are funny today, my Rapunzel.” That’s what he calls me. His explanation is that he would love to lock me up just the same, but I will fight my way with a pan if he tries. Hence, Rapunzel. Also, I did have beautiful long blonde locks when I was little.

Dad sets me down, and at once, his eyes lock with suddenly pale Landon.

Wow, he is really taking this whole meet the parents’ way too seriously.

I walk over to him, trying to take hold of his hand, but my smile vanishes as I see the death glare my father is sending him. The temperature in the room dropped at least fifty degrees, sending a chill right through my bones.

What the hell?

Why does my dad have this reaction? I told Landon they would be happy for us, yet my father is anything but right now.

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