Page 1 of My Heartless Soul

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Chapter one


Song: Dove Cameron – Breakfast

“Ugh, where are you going?” I hear the whiny voice behind me as its owner’s hand latches onto my wrist to pull me back into the bed.

I swear I try to control the sneer tugging on my lips. I try. But fail miserably because I don’t like to be touched. Not once I am all done with you.

And I am certainly all done with this one.

I already slept with him one too many times—meaning two—and whatever his name is, he is getting some weird illusions drawn up in his pretty head. Ones that make him think we could ever be more than sex. Sure, it’s good sex, but it’s just sex, nonetheless.

“Home. Now let go of my arm.” My tone is sharp, and I hope it conveys my no-bullshit attitude.

“Come on, Kira. Stay. We can go again.” He waggles his eyebrows at me, and my nose twitches with disgust.

“Yeah, we could, but we won’t,” I tell him, snapping my arm out of his hold. With that, he falls back on the bed and groans.

“How about a date?” the clinger asks. Yes, he officially got his nickname because I won’t ever remember his name since I never bothered learning it in the first place.

“A what?”

“A date. You know, the normal stuff couples do.” The clinger fidgets in his spot since the expression on my face quickly grows from “leave-me-alone” into “do-you-need-me-to-help-you-shut-up?”

I drag my tongue over my teeth. “I would explain to you how we are not a couple, but I’ve already wasted too much time on you.” I finally finish putting my black Prada suit back on and take out a small comb from my purse to fix my hair in the wall mirror without sparing him another glance.

“What do you mean?” He shoots up from the bed. “But I really like you!”

“Good for you.” My tone is almost bored because I am and once again, I don’t bother catching his eyes.

“Kira!” There is desperation laced with a little bit of frustration in there. “I know you’ve been with Camden, and you only had sex with him once. Once, Kira.” He sticks out his index finger as if that should prove his point more.

“Who the fuck is Camden?”

“My teammate. You seriously don’t remember who you slept with?”

“No. See, I am such a whore, you might as well just leave me be.”

“No. Stop it. Stop denying what you feel for me.”

“Fine.” I give him my bored sigh. “Currently, I am feeling a whole lot of nothing with a dash of simmering annoyance and a pinch of pissed off. See? I am not denying anything.”

“Nothing? Nothing? We are not nothing! Do you know how many girls wish I’d say those words to them? How many dream of going out with me?” Oh, that’s right. I think he mentionedsomething about being a big-shot hockey player or something like that.

Again, I didn’t bother listening. I only wanted his dick, which I got, and now I’m done.

“So go.”

“Damn it, you really don’t want to be with me?” I don’t think this guy gets rejected very often because he looks downright pathetic right now. And if I could maybe contemplate riding him one more time sometime in the future, those thoughts are long gone now.

I don’t do pathetic. In any way.

“No. I don’t. Goodbye,” I tell him and turn the door handle to leave the hotel room when his voice stops me.

“I’m giving you everything. Everything, Kira! You won’t leave me! I will make you change your mind. You are mine! The Kira Clark will be mine, and the whole world will see who is her owner.”

Something in his voice makes me pause, but not enough to actually terrify me. I’ve fought monsters much scarier than some perpetual child who did not get to keep his toy.
