Page 60 of My Heartless Soul

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I didn’t notice the change. I didn’t realize her poison become my water.

It sure as hell wasn’t because, suddenly, I became her fake boyfriend. No, we were always something different. I was the only one she spoke to—not yelled at—in the kitchen. I was the only one she always stayed by, and in turn, I gravitated toward her like a moth to a flame.

So, for the sake of everything I have, I cannot go down burning alive. Or drowning to the point of no return.

I let go of her soft hair and she bolts out of my lap as fast as she untangles her legs from the small chair. In hindsight, this was a terrible spot to have hot, wild sex in, but now, it is my favorite place in this whole restaurant.

Wordlessly, Kira dons her black suit on without the underwear that I tore up like the savage she makes me, brushes through her hair with her fingers, and checks the time on a watch she isn’t wearing. If I wasn’t feeling crushed, I would laugh at how flustered she is. Completely adorable.

“Okay, well, you have an hour until prep begins, so I suggest you clean up and get ready.” She drops her hand down, strolling over to the cabinet farthest away from me and, this time, pretending to look for something she doesn’t need. “Oh, and you’re a complete idiot. You didn’t wear a condom, but at least there is no way I can get pregnant, so there’s that. Can’t say the same about STDs, but what can I do now.”

And we are back to insults. “You won’t catch an STD because I haven’t fucked anyone without a condom since my wife. And my wife has been an ex for the past year. I’m clean.” I finish getting all ready. “As for the prep and dinner service, I hope it goes smoothly. Please wish Eric good luck from me, and I hope he does well.” There’s no smile, no smugness, not even anger on my face.

There is nothing.

I feel empty leaving my dream job. Leavingher.

I take a step towards the door when Kira wakes up from her stupor. “What are you talking about?”

“Kira,” I exhale an exhausted breath. “I told you, I quit.”

“You can’t quit.”

“Yes. I can.”

“You’re under a contract. You will get penalized.” If I didn’t know better, I’d say there was a hint of fear in her voice. But my heartless witch doesn’t do fear.

At least not the kind I wish she felt because I certainly am.

“Oh, well. Add it to my tab.”



“Why are you quitting?” Well, that’s a loaded question I am not ready to answer. So, I don’t.

“I don’t have time for this. I need to find a new place to live.” Kira scrunches up her eyebrows at my words. “Goodbye, Kira Clark.”

“Stop!” she screeches. “I said stop right there, or I swear I will never leave you alone. I will find you in whatever hole you will end up in and haunt you.”

“Jesus, just how many threats do you have in your arsenal?” I scrub my hand over my face.

“More than enough. Now you have an hour to move your stuff, and don’t even think about being late for your shift.”

“I haven’t found anything yet, Ursula! There is nowhere to move!” Yes, I am yelling.

“Because you don’t need to. Henry will give you a spare key.”

“Wait, what?” Did I just hear what I think I heard? Or did her pussy squeeze not only my dick to the point of a blackout but also my brain?

“Fuck me, Levidis,” she groans in frustration. Just a couple weeks ago, I’d be terrified of that sound, while now all it does is sends a jolt to my spent dick.

“I already did,” I answer on autopilot, and she flushes but sends me a glare at the same time.

“Hilarious. I told you time and time again. You’re living in my apartment. What is so difficult about remembering that?”

“Kira, I can’t move into your place.”
