Page 62 of My Heartless Soul

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“Of course! Why are you asking me that?”

Sophie gulps and bites the inside of her cheek.

“Because I saw the way you looked at her. And what she’s done? That doesn’t seem like a woman who is ready to let you go.”

“There is nothing between us,” I say bitterly and tasting that crap on my tongue with distaste.

“Are you tellingmethat or yourself?”

“Sophie,” I growl, and she shuts up, rolling her lips together.

“Okay, moving out in a week or two max,” she breathes out. “Why is this place so sterile. Does she even live here?”

“I have no idea, Soph.”

“Daddy?” I hear Vee again.

“What, Angel?” God, this must be so confusing for her. How many changes can this sweet, innocent soul take before she loses it?

“Is this our new home?”

“Yeah, Angel, it is,” I tell her, tucking her caramel hair behind her ear.


“No, honey. Just a little bit.”

“A little bit?” She pinches her index finger and thumb.

“Yeah, Angel, that little bit.”

“Oh,” she sighs with what I think is sadness? “I guess that’s okay, but if you think we could stay here like forever, I would like it. Can you imagine how many mermaid pictures I could paint and hang up all over here? This is like so so so much space, daddy.” I chuckle at her little five-year-old dramatics and kiss her forehead.

“Okay, Angel. Have I told you that you are the best daughter in the whole world of daughters today?”

“No, you haven’t.”

“Then let’s fix that.” I pick her up into my arms, running with her around the living room, tickling her. “You the best of the best of all bests, my little mermaid.”

“Daddy! You remembered!”

“Of course I did. Now, back to tickles.” We fall down to the pristine white leather couch as I attack Victoria with tickles, and she laughs, squirming and trying to escape my hold.

“D-daddy, s-stop.” She is giggling too hard for the words to come out normally, and this right here is the best moment of my life. Nothing else matters.

“I see you are settling in alright.” The cold voice of my witch is back, and both Vee and I stop with our little game, standing up from the couch.

I clear my throat and straighten up a bit. “Yeah. Well, we just got here, so we haven’t had the chance to take our stuff to the room, but yeah.” As I’m talking, I feel a small hand slip into mine and tug on it.

“Oh,” I hear my sister gasp before we reach them.

“What is it, Soph?” I ask, concerned.

“It’s warm,” she says with wide eyes, staring at the black marble floor, and that’s when I notice that she took off her shoes and stands barefoot. “I didn’t expect it to be warm.” Our olive skin tone doesn’t allow her to blush easily, but she is now when she realizes she said all that out loud with Kira Clark standing right next to her.

But that’s not what I catch.

I catch the fact that the floor is warm when I clearly remember it being cold as a winter morning the last time I was here. “It is?” I send the question to both my sister and my boss, who seems to be doing some squirming right now.

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