Page 77 of My Heartless Soul

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So, instead, I step out of between her legs and start plating that bison dish for Steven. Kira’s eyes go from hooded to so wide they are about to fall out of her sockets when she watches me touch everything without washing my hands.

Touching the food with her orgasm on it.

“What are you doing?” The question pours out of her, rushed and nervous, but I don’t stop to answer, so she grabs the sleeve of my jacket, stopping me. “Vassar? What the fuck are you doing?”

I look straight into the alluring, green pools. “Giving him a taste of what is mine and will never be his.”

Kira gasps but lets go of my hand, just in time for final touches, and then I take the plate and carry it out myself to hand deliver it to the idiot who thought he could ever have my woman.

“Your order, Mr. Bloom.” I slide his plate over and then turn around to Steven. “Mr. Halter,” I give him that curtsy smile and slide the dish over to him, leaning closely to his ear. “This is the only taste of hers you will ever get. So, enjoy the fuck out of it,” I whisper with threat laced thick through each word, and I see confusion spill over his face.

I step away and smile sweetly in return, but as soon as he takes a bite of the meat, I see it. He tastes her on his tongue, and I tilt my head to the side, letting the knowledge to sink into his tiny brain. Steven nearly chokes on the piece, and Bloom looks up at him. “Are you okay, Steven?”

“No. No, I am not. This tastes like shit.” The idiot spits out his food and pushes the plate away while Esteban furrows his eyebrows.

“Mine tastes delicious. Might be the best dish of the day.” He nods in pleasure and continues eating, completely unperturbed.

“Thank you, Mr. Bloom. It definitely is my personal favorite,” I tell him, but my eyes are on Steven, sending silent messages.

Stay the fuck away.

She is mine.

Leave and never come back.

“You have excellent taste, my boy,” Esteban says, smiling. “In food and women.” He raises his glass of wine to me in curtsy, and I nod.

“Thank you. I hope you enjoyed it all.”

“Oh, that I did.”

“Daddy, Kira,” we hear Victoria’s little voice screeching loudly as we step into the vast living room.

“Victoria? What are you doing up so late? It’s almost two AM!” I pick her up into my arms, and that’s when I hear a tired groan coming from the couch where my sister is.

“I swear I tried. I tried it all, but that little girl wouldn’t hear any of it until you two came home,” Sophie tells me and pushes herself off the couch. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, Soph, go to bed. You have an early class.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me. I will be soooo dead.”

“Henry will drive you, so it will save you some time on the commute, and you can nap while driving,” Kira says softly but without wavering or giving Sophie an option. She just lets her know that is happening, and that’s it.

“Um, I don’t want to be a bother. I will get there by myself,” my sister tries to protest, and I sigh. She doesn’t know yet that once Kira has made up her mind, that is it.

“No. He will drive you.” And there it is.

Sophie opens her mouth to keep playing this ping pong, but I stop her. “Just go with it, Soph. She won’t back down anyway.” My sister has a hard time accepting even more help than she already is, but I guess she is too tired to argue now.

“Okay. Thank you.”

“No problem. Goodnight,” Kira answers and walks over to the kitchen.

“Is she always like this?” Sophie whispers to me, but it is Kira who answers.

“Yes. So, you might as well get used to it because Henry will drop you off and pick you up every day now. As well as Victoria.”

Sophie opens and closes her mouth again, shakes her head, and just mutters good night before leaving me to deal with the mess.Love you too, sis.
