Page 20 of Her Exception 3

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“And you’ll also be receiving quarterly bonuses for billable hours instead of yearly like at HGP2. I’m going to make you doing this worth it, Maritza. Let me.”

She sighed into the receiver. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I’m about to meet with Ru and Parker. I’ll talk to you later.”


After disconnecting the call, I rang the doorbell. People would be surprised to know what the partners at my father’s firm made after payroll. They may not have had as many clients on retainer as HGP2did, but paying my team wasn’t even the least of my concerns. On top of the large profit margin, they did a lot of pro bono work, which made them the first choice with a lot of political and religious organizations.

AJ answered, giving me a handshake before letting me know the men were in the dining room. I made my way inside and we all shook hands. I wasted no time thanking them for theirs and getting down to business. It was risky letting them know I planned to leave before telling Violet, but I knew I could trust them, if just off the strength of Amelia. Besides, I had something to offer them to make their transition smoother.

“How did the two of you intend to get out of the non-compete clause?” I asked.

They looked at each other, and Amaru spoke up first. “The only option we have is to pay, right? From my understanding of the bylaws, we can’t practice law in Tennessee for two years after leaving unless a partner releases us from that clause voluntarily, or we pay two million dollars.”

“I’m not trying to count your pockets, but do either of you have that type of liquid cash to put up for this?”

“Honestly, no,” Parker answered. “But we were able to work out loans with Tate Banking to make that happen.”

My head shook as I sat up in my seat and crossed my arms on top of the table. “I can get you out of the clause without having to take out such a large loan. Both of you are transitioning into new phases of life. Parker, with your new wife. And you plan to propose to my sister soon, Ru.” They both nodded their agreement. “You both plan to leave at the end of February, right?”

“Right,” Amaru agreed.

“I leave early March. I can sign off on the redaction of the clause before I leave, and you’ll be free to practice without having to pay to do so.”

“Will that require us to work with you?” Parker checked.

“No. I know you two may have a certain perception of me. This is my way of showing you both I’m not the monster the firm has made me out to be.” Standing, I continued. “I get why you want to go in business for yourselves. I’m offering you the freedom and flexibility you want with twice the salary. You won’t have to kill yourselves trying to hit billable hours goals. That will always be a bonus, as it was intended to be. You won’t have to build your firm from the ground up. The only incentive I’m offering is the pay and signing bonus. Getting y’all out of the clause has nothing to do with this.”

“How long do we have to decide?” Amaru asked.

“Until the end of this month.”

“Cool,” he agreed.

“Sounds good,” Parker added.

I left his home feeling lighter. There was no point in me asking Amelia because she had already made it clear she was staying with Mecca. She was a great negotiator, and he was a great litigator. I wished I could take them with me, but their place was at HGP2and I would honor that. For now, I was more than confident with the team I was building, and it would only get better from here.



Jeremy was winning my sister over just as easily as he was winning me over. Earlier in the week, we went over the contract he’d had drawn up and a few pertinent details. It was his idea that we start hanging out to have a more authentic bond and get to know the facts about each other. I was cool with that when we agreed, but now, I was nervous about being alone with him. Lunch with Sakura was a better option.

While we were there, he shared some great news with Sakura. His father helped him land a billion-dollar client that Victor used to go to school with. He was in town for the holidays and let them know about the business ventures he had in mind for the city. Victor and Jeremy convinced him to utilize an attorney for his land development deals so he wouldn’t have to travel from Denver to Memphis frequently. Victor expected Jeremy to take him on, but Jeremy recommended my sister instead. It wasn’t her usual style, but for the retainer amount and small amount of legwork she’d have to do for him, she didn’t turn it down.

Jeremy was going to originally offer it to me, but I’d just accepted a crime of passion case that would be my priority. We were having lunch and Sakura was asking Jeremy about his habits and routines when I got the call that I could finally go and see my new client. I excused myself and left, because I was curious about this woman and if the rumors I’d been hearing were true. She’d been arrested for murder but hadn’t been processed yet. That meant one of two things: they had no evidence, or she had friends or family in high places.

It took me about ten minutes to make it downtown to speak with her. After being led to the interrogation room where she was being held, I made sure the cameras and microphones were off before going inside. The room was cold because discomfort often made people confess quicker just to get out. The black chairs were thin and hard as I sat across from her at the square table.

She was beautiful. Her skin was cocoa brown and flawless. Striking, sculpted features gave her a modelesque vibe. Wide, expressive eyes stared back at me as she rocked in her seat.

“Rem Thompson?” I confirmed. She nodded. “My name is Maritza Amaretto. I received a call requesting my presence as your representation. Do you have an idea who would have done that?” She nodded again, eyes shifting around the room. “This conversation is confidential. No prying eyes or ears here.”

Rem relaxed a bit in her seat. “My brother, Grim.” There weren’t too many people in the city named Grim, but I refused to believe she was referring to Tim Blane, Sakura’s current fling. If she was, why hadn’t he called her? Conflict of interest?

“Tim?” I confirmed.
