Page 9 of Claiming His Girl

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Nora rubs her belly. "Another sparkling water for me, please."

"Nothing for me." Luke glances over at Nora like she hung the moon. "Got to make sure that I get both my girls back home safe tonight."

While Jake disappears to grab our drinks, Nora gives me a friendly smile. "We mainly just came here for the atmosphere," she explains. "It's our last night out before the baby comes."

Luke catches my gaze and grins. "We like to keep things low-key. Jake's bar seemed like the perfect spot to ring in the new year. He's done a great job with this place."

"He really has," I reply with an appreciative nod as I look around.

Suddenly, Nora tilts her head and gives me a curious look.

"I don't mean to pry, but is the 'Molly' that Jake mentioned earlier Molly Matthews?" she asks.

"Yep, that's her." I sigh and swirl the ice in my water glass.

Nora beams at me. "What a small world! Molly is Luke's physical therapist. I didn't realize she was seeing someone." She gives Luke a playful slap on the shoulder. "I swear, you never tell me anything!"

"Ow! I didn't know!" Luke says with a laugh as he rubs his arm. "I'm a guy, baby. I don't go around asking people about their love lives."

I clear my throat. "No need to feel bad. Things are a little complicated between Molly and me right now anyway."

“Well, I’m sure it will all work out,” Nora says. "Love always finds a way on Fit Mountain." She gazes at Luke and adds, "In fact, we reconnected in this very bar two years ago when Jack owned it. And now look at us."

"Yeah, now look at you," Luke growls as he leans over and gives his wife a deep kiss. “I love the way you look when you’re knocked up, baby.”

Jake returns and sets a tray of drinks on the counter. Before he has a chance to pass them around, a burly man with red hair walks up to the bar.

"Hey, Jake. Sorry to interrupt," the man says. "But I gotta head out. Can you make sure the guys get home okay?" He nods to a group of rowdy firemen sitting at a table in the corner.

"Sure, Mike," Jake replies, arching an eyebrow. "Everything okay?"

"We just got a call about a pink VW bug stuck in the snow on the side of the mountain. Apparently, there’s a woman trapped inside, and there’s nothing but a small tree holding it up."

My stomach drops at his words.


It has to be her car. I've never seen another one like it around here.

"Our skeleton crew is out responding to another call," Mike continues. "And since I'm the designated driver, I'm the only one who can go."

My heart races as I interrupt them. "Hey, Mike, where exactly is that car stuck?"

Mike eyes me curiously but answers anyway. "About halfway up Cooper Mountain Road, near the old mill."

"Thanks," I say, pushing away from the bar without hesitation. "I'll take care of it."

"Are you sure, man?" Mike asks, concern written on his face. "What about your drink?"

But I'm already headed toward the door, determination fueling my every step. I need to make things right with Molly, and I won't let anything stand in my way.

As I throw open the door, bracing myself against the cold wind outside, I hear Jake chuckling behind me. "Let him go," he says, his voice full of amusement. "He's going to get his girl."

Chapter Five


Ugh.I’m so embarrassed.
