Page 14 of Coming Home

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Oh, how I miss you, even now.

I think of you when I look at the treehouse. I think of how you built it. How we maintained it together. How the joys and laughter of children filled it, and continue to do so.

Mostly, I just think of you. Thank you for giving me joy and love, even in your absences. Thank you for giving me family and community. Thank you for giving me the treehouse.

True love is not confined to simple moments. It transcends time and grabs hold of the memories themselves, forever imprinting them onto our hearts.

My only wish now is that the moments our neighborhood children share in this treehouse will forever be memories of love, just like my memories already are.

Forever yours,

Your dear wife,


Kylie has tears in her eyes by the end, and Samantha goes to sit beside her to console her. We all are shocked at how much we meant to Mrs. Kendall. We didn’t know that our short, sparse visits meant the world to her.

Jaxson breaks the silence. “So, what do we do now?”

Kylie sniffles, “We do as she wanted. This house and the Treehouse brought her so much joy. Can we really do anything less?”

Samantha is rubbing Kylie’s back while agreeing with her. “She’s right guys, after hearing that, can any of you honestly tell me you would be okay with selling this place and having someone come and tear it down?”

We talk it over for a little longer, but finally, everyone agrees that the best option is to honor Mrs. Kendall’s wishes to restore her home, as well as the Treehouse, for the neighborhood.

It’s simply the right thing to do. Besides, I don’t mind honoring Mrs. Kendall’s memory this way. “Then I guess this is what we are doing. We’re making this place into a neighborhood clubhouse.”

“Leave the furniture repairs to me. I can do all of that stuff at the shop with Dad,” Knox offers.

Kylie smiles and holds her hand up to volunteer her help, too. “That's right, Knox and I can handle the repairs. I can move my art studio here for a while, and help Knox with any paint work and design plans.”

Jaxson and Madison speak up at the same time, but Jaxson gestures for Madison to go ahead.

“Thank you, Kylie,” Madison says. “I think that’s a great idea. Besides, I missed you and would love for you to stick around. Samantha, you too!”

Kylie smiles and nods, while Samantha simply bites her lip and looks away. Clearly, whatever caused her to run away from this town wasn’t only me.

“That’s a great plan, guys. We can fully restore the Treehouse for the kids, and the home can be used for gatherings by anyone in the neighborhood. Since I still live in town, I’ll be happy to manage the keys and rental sign-up schedule. I’ll also ensure that no unsupervised kids are using the place for wild parties and such,” Knox pitches in as he nods his head in excitement.

“I guess we are all sticking around for a bit then,” says Samantha.

Chapter Five


After reading Mrs. Kendall’s diary yesterday, I promised Madison I would meet her at her mom’s bakery shop where she works, to chat and catch up. I’m heading there now, already looking forward to one of their famous cold brews. My depleted energy is in need of refueling.

I worked from my hotel room all morning, and then stopped by the lawyer’s office where I signed off on the plans for Mrs. Kendall’s house. It feels right that everyone is now on the same page to keep it equally among us, and turn it into a neighborhood clubhouse and hang-out spot.

Madison’s mom opened up her bakery while we were still in grade school. Even back then Madison could be found helping her in the shop most of the time.

Many times after school, we snuck in and stole snacks from the back kitchen, and took them to the Treehouse to relax and eat. We always ended up sharing them with Mrs. Kendall as well.

Parking has always been a problem, even when I lived here years ago, so I take the first open spot I see. At least the day isn’t too hot, so walking down the main street and turning at the next corner to get to the bakery won’t be too bad.

I get out and lock my car, and almost immediately a familiar face spots me. I smile and wave to one of my old schoolteachers as she makes her way into a travel agency. Thank God, she doesn’t stop me for a chat.

It feels like home, strolling through Willowcreek again.
