Page 35 of Coming Home

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“You had no right to interfere in my life, Valerie. You're so selfish and conceited that you don’t even care about the fallout from what you did. What if my line doesn't do well because of the press, and your dad loses money on the investments, and possibly his job? How will you get to afford your lifestyle then?”

“Asher, she isn’t good enough for you. Back in high school, I faked that picture of us kissing to show you that. It was a test of loyalty. I didn't want you to get hurt in a long-distance relationship that wasn't based on trust. And I was right. Don’t you see? I did it all for you. She doesn’t deserve you!”

I can't keep standing here without wanting to be cruel and lash out at her. So, I turn and walk away. I leave her staring after me in the lobby as I stop at the elevator and press the button. I don’t even turn to look at her as I say, “The door is that way, or security can show you out.”

I enter the elevator and give her a hard stare as the door closes.

All this time, it was her. She was the one that caused the rift between Samantha and I all those years ago. I have no doubt Sam believed what she saw. I probably would have, too. I should have never listened to my dad back then. I should have fought harder.

Sam is beautiful, sweet, and kind. Yes, she has a habit of running away from her conflicts, but it's because she’s been hurt so much in the past, and is only trying to protect herself. I should have fought harder for her instead of listening to the advice of others.

I was stupid back then, and I’ll be damned before I repeat my past mistakes. No longer am I going to let my father’s words rule my decisions.

I scoff. Valerie, in all her vindictiveness, actually proved to be useful. I see now that I have to let go of my insecurities and accept who I am—or no one will.

I know what I have to do.

Despite the challenges, and all the doubts, I can’t let go of a possible future with the woman who captured my heart once more.

I decide to catch the next flight back to Willowcreek, where I hope to mend what Samantha and I only just rediscovered, and started to build anew.

And either try to fix my relationship with my father, or cut him loose.

Chapter Thirteen


Why am I back here?I wonder as I’m walking down the street I grew up on.

Maybe it's because a part of me has always missed the family my parents and I used to be together here.

The streets of my old neighborhood still look mostly the same. Sure, a few things have changed here and there, and a few houses have been fixed up, but for the most part, it's like walking into a memory. Each step I take feels like a journey back in time.

I never planned to come back here, though. I guess my feet have a mind of their own. Mom said I should stop by at the old house and see him, that the hurt I felt when they got divorced is still weighing me down when it shouldn’t.

She said what happened between them was for the best—for both of them. She wants me to hear his side of things, and to not cut him out of my life anymore.

I’m on the sidewalk, debating whether to call him, or ring the bell, or knock, or run away. But the front door swings open before I can come to a decision. My dad steps out and looks at me as if he can’t believe I'm really standing here. He looks older. His graying blond hair matches the wrinkles and age on his face.

He raises his hand, seeming unsure of what to do before calling out, “Hi, Sammy.” His voice is soft yet surprised. After a while of me just staring at him, he smiles and calls to me again. “How about some milk and cookies?”

Without giving it another thought, I follow him inside. He used to give me milk and cookies as a kid whenever I was upset. No doubt he’s heard about what happened with Asher.

I don't know what to expect as I enter the house I grew up in. The outside still looks the same as I remember, if not a little more weathered, so I expect to step back in time as I walk inside, much like I did at Mrs. Kendall’s. But it’s all different, the paint, the furniture, and the layout. Everything has changed.

“I've missed you,” he says, his glassy blue eyes looking into mine.

I nod, not knowing what to say. I try to swallow the lump stuck in my throat as he leads me to the kitchen to get the milk and cookies. It was our thing after all, and I can tell it’s the only way he knows how to try and bridge this gap between us.

Once we are both sitting at the kitchen island, I finally find my voice. “I don't even know what I'm doing here?”

“Samantha, I want to tell you the truth about your mother and I,” he begins, his voice a mix of regret and vulnerability, and I realize this is hard for him, too.

I fist my hands to keep myself from lashing out. Mom said I should listen, so that's what I'm going to do. “Let's hear it then.”

“What you saw back then was the end of a really long battle between us for years.” I listen intently as he reveals the reality of their marriage, the truth I refused to hear for so long. “The thing is, your mother and I grew apart a long time before our actual divorce. We wanted to wait and stay together for you until you finished high school, but we were arguing and?—”

“So, it's my fault?” I ask, cutting him off indignantly. “I made you guys stay together and made you even more unhappy?”
