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“Tiffany, I’m going over the details of the deal with my team. I’ve got you on speakerphone.”

Adrenaline pushed thoughts of Dylan aside. She stood up a little straighter, giving him her full attention. It was her job to be a pessimist in these situations and think of all the things that could go wrong. While these endorsement deals began as mutually beneficial, she’d seen attitudes change quickly based on the effort or success of the athlete. It was her job to ensure policies and procedures were provided to address issues that might arise if something went awry.

“We have an issue with Matthew’s demands. This is a family hotel, and you want us to keep all references to his family out of the endorsements.”

“That’s right.” She’d told her client that this deal might not be the best for him, given that he kept his family behind a stone wall when it came to the media, but he’d been insistent about getting the deal. And she always got her clients what they wanted. This was where she shined. This was her moment of glory, what she lived for. Going in for the kill. “If you want Matthew, you’ll have to stick to what I’ve outlined. Period.”

“Come on, Winters. You’ve been through this with us before.”

A sly grin slid into place. “Yes, and you know I won’t back down.” She heard murmurs in the background but couldn’t make out what was being said. “Charles, I’m on my way into another meeting. This deal is all or nothing, and you know the massive fan power Matthew has. You’ll have sports fans flocking to your hotel in no time. Or”—she paused long enough for their ears to perk up—“you won’t. The decision is yours, but I must get to my next meeting. I’ll look for the contract on Monday.”

She ended the call, her heart pounding from the rush of control, and her phone immediately vibrated again. Her heart skipped a beat when Dylan’s name appeared.

“Hi.” She moved through the crowded sidewalk toward the entrance to the building.

“Hey, are you by chance in Times Square?”

“No. I’m at the corporate office of Regan Entertainment for my last meeting before the conference. Why?”

“I thought I saw you walk into a sushi restaurant just now and was going to catch up with you.”

“Oh my gosh, I wish. I love sushi.”

“Me too. How’s your wild and crazy day?”

She heard the smile in his voice, and it eased her worry that he might have lost interest. “Good. Thanks for asking. I was going to text you, but I—”Chickened out. “I’m really not avoiding you, Dylan. I know it must look that way, but my days honestly are crazy, and—”

“I know you’re busy being a sports agent extraordinaire. No worries. Good luck at your meeting.”

“Thanks.” She drew in a deep breath, mustering the ridiculous amount of courage it took for her to admit what she was about to. “I really liked the gifts you left for me. They were thoughtful, and the doughnut was delicious. I’d like to get together at some point when we both have time.” She glanced at her watch, nervous about being late to her appointment but not wanting to cut him short.

“Winters, are you going soft on me?”

His playful banter loosened all those knots in her stomach. “Not on your life.” She peeked at the time, feeling the seconds ticking away. “I’m so sorry, Dylan. I’ve got to run into my meeting, but I’m glad you called.” She headed into the building, squaring her shoulders and readying herself for an intense negotiation.

“I have no idea how any man can look at you and concentrate on anything else. Go get ’em, Winters.”

The line went dead—and her girly heart came to life.

DYLAN PUSHED FROM the brick wall as Tiffany stepped out the glass doors wearing a tight black skirt and turquoise blouse, looking radiant and professional. The sparks in her eyes addedvictoriousto that list. Her gaze skirted along the street, slowing at the black sedan parked at the curb. She glanced at her phone, then her eyes slid in his direction. The moment their eyes connected, heat ignited. Tiffany’s face tipped up toward the balloons and her hand moved over her heart, looking so feminine she took his breath away. He closed the distance between them and slid a hand to her hip as her eyes found his.

“You’rehere?” She sounded as shocked as she looked.

“You’re here, Summers. Of course I’m here.”

“But how…?” She blinked several times, every flirtatious sweep of her long lashes telling him he’d made the right decision.

He saw in her eyes that she’d figured out his earlier call was a ruse, and he gave her the only answer she needed to hear. “I made time.”

He pressed his lips to hers, wanting desperately to deepen the kiss but acutely aware that she’d just come from a business meeting. He didn’t want to embarrass her.

“And you brought meballoons?” She smiled up at him.

She might not be a flower or chocolate girl, but he could see that she definitely didn’t hateallsurprises. It killed him to have to admit the truth. “Actually, I brought these for Bethany. She was released from the hospital and is back at the Ronald McDonald House. I’m going to see her after I ride with you down to your conference.”

“Oh, Dylan. That’s wonderful.” She paused, a serious expression stealing her smile, as if she just realized what he’d said. “Wait, you came to ride with me to my conference? That’s…” She shook her head and trapped her lower lip between her teeth for a beat, as if she was completely baffled—and delighted—by his intentions. “But it’s nowhere near the Ronald McDonald House, if that’s where you’re heading next.”

He walked her to the curb, where the sedan he’d ordered was waiting for them. “I assumed it wasn’t, but you need to eat dinner.” He lifted the bag he was carrying. As he stepped closer, heat blazed between them. His eyes dropped to her breasts, and her nipples rose to greet his hungry stare. “And I’m starved fordessert.”
