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No need to ask three doses of what. Dominique was glad he survived the last of the suppressant. Now here were three more temptations. Three more opportunities to fight to be human again, fail again, weaken himself again—put himself and Cassidy at risk again.

“Merci,” he said, but didn’t touch the case. It sat like a coiled snake in his awareness as he summarized the events of the previous night for his visitors. Jackson looked grim when he heard about the trap, Garrett thoughtful.

“So they’re not even in the city anymore?” Jackson asked.

“Most of them are gone, yes. But Isao tells me that Esteban will come looking for me if he doesn’t find my ashes. Probably right about now.”

“Does he have any idea where to start looking?” Garrett wondered.

“No. He has a name, nothing more. A name that is not associated with anything here, including this suite. The only way he can find me is if he, or someone he has compelled, sees me.”

“Well, he won’t know to look for us,” Jackson offered. “If we can find him, we can do the usual tag, track, and trap for you.”

Dominique searched Jackson’s face and found the same sincerity that hummed in his voice. “No. It is not necessary for you to take such a risk.” With a glance at Garrett, he added, “Neither of you appears to be at your best right now.”

Garrett gave a grim nod. “I’m afraid that’s true.”

“Shouldn’t you be in a hospital? In Germany?” Cassidy wondered, making no effort to veil her contempt.

“Yes, I guess I should be. But I felt I could do more good here.”

“As what? Vampire bait?” she fired back.

“You would drag yourself through death’s door for the promise of a prestigious kill?” Dominique asked.

Garrett touched his fingertips together. “If that’s what you need from me, yes.”

Dominique’s eyes widened at the earnest declaration, and his jaw dropped a bit at his old foe’s next words.

“Though I’ll be better at it if I could get some magic juice from you.”

Jackson looked at his uncle and sat back on the sofa, withdrawing from the conversation.

Dominique inclined his head. Very softly he said, “Are you asking for my blood?”

“I am.” A glance at his nephew, who made a “you’re on your own” gesture with one hand. “I already had the little we took from the guy who put me in the hospital. That got me this far, but I’m far from healed.”

“Myblood?” Dominique asked again, incredulous. “The blood of the vampire you tried to burn to death?”

“The irony isn’t lost on me, if that’s what you mean, but the circumstances have changed. I need to feel useful, and like it or not, the only way I can do that is through you. All I’m asking is that you help me be useful now.”

Without taking his eyes off Garrett, Dominique reached over to the side table where glass tumblers rested upside down beside the ice bucket. He opened a gash in his wrist. By the time it sealed again, the glass was half filled with blood. He set it on the table before the hunter, a silent challenge.

Garrett was a sorry excuse for a human being, but he had also served Dominique well, despite his prejudices. He had earned himself a favor.

No one moved when Garrett reached for the glass. “Bottoms up.” He stifled a gasp on the first swallow, but continued gulping until the blood was gone. Then he placed the empty tumbler down with exaggerated care, harrumphed several times, and shook his head. Color oozed back into his ashen face. The haze of pain left his eyes, and his heart beat with new vigor. “That has some serious kick to it.”

“Are you feeling better now?” Jackson asked, sounding dubious.

Garrett prodded at his left side. “Still a little sore, but I’m good to go.” Looking at Dominique, he added, “Thank you.”

Dominique made no reply, still mystified by this extraordinary request.

Jackson broke the awkward silence. “So if you don’t need us to bag this Esteban character for you, what’s the plan for tonight?”

Dominique exchanged a glance with Cassidy, who looked as baffled as he felt. “I need to find Isao. He knows where his sire has gone.”

“Hold on,” Garrett said, lifting a hand. “His sire? Adilla is your Good Samaritan’ssire?”
