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Ayla chose just about everything sweet they had to decorate the cookies. Once again, Katie had to marvel at the fact there were so many sweet things in the general’s house. In fact, the whole estate looked a lot different than when she’d first arrived. It felt like home.

Before they could start, though, she heard the sound of the front door unlocking and footsteps coming their way.

“Uncle!” Ayla exclaimed, and she raced toward the footsteps.

Katie glanced at the clock. He was home early. For a wild moment, Katie wondered if he’d actually done it. If he’d quit, and now he was coming home to tell them the news.

She shook her head, not allowing herself to hope.

He’s a general; he probably can take a half-day if he wants,she reasoned with herself.

Katie walked out of the kitchen, where Axur already held Ayla in his arms, that heart-stopping smile on his face. When he saw her approaching, his amber eyes seemed to glow. He kissed the top of Ayla’s head and set her down.

“Why don’t you go play for a minute?”

She nodded and went back to the kitchen. Katie gave him a curious look. Why would he not want Ayla here? Unless he had something big to tell her … oraskher.

Her heart raced for a moment, but her hopes were immediately squashed the moment she saw the worn look in his eyes.

“What’s wrong,” she asked quietly.

He sighed and walked over to her. He stroked her cheek and then kissed her forehead. She was sure he meant it to be a comforting gesture, but it only served to make her more anxious.

Katie gently took his face in her hands. “Axur, what happened?”

His face became grim. “I don’t want you to worry …”

“Now I’m really worried.”

“Katie.” He hesitated and then sighed again. “I had a meeting with the other generals today. I’ve gotten orders from the higher-ups. I’m being deployed tomorrow.”

And just like that, her world, hopes, and dreams crashed. She’d thought she’d prepared herself for something like this. How wrong she’d been.



“Alpha Squad, move out and check the perimeter. Delta, rest for now. Your next shift is in three hours. Now move out!”

“Sir, yes, sir!” a chorus of voices sounded as troops hurried to obey.

Axur let out a slow, steady breath and studied the little town from the platform he stood on. One week on this, so far, dull assignment. It wasn’t as though the mission out here was purposeless, far from it, but the waiting around had been agonizing.

Intelligence reported raiders leading attacks on several of the small outlier towns. And so, Command saw fit to send a few platoons as well as a general to get the message across to back off. Axur was currently stationed at one of the towns that hadn’t been hit yet and was a likely target.

There had been nothing so far. Not so much as a scout had been spotted.

Perhaps our mere presence scared them off,Axur thought.

It was likely. Whether it be raiders, gangs, or pirates, they usually got away with what they could and ran away once the big guns were involved.

He supposed he should be grateful they’d warded off the threat without so much as having to fire a gun. Except that, more than anything, he felt like he was wasting his time. The time he could be spending with Katie and Ayla.

Just the thought of them made his heart ache. He tried to imagine what they were doing now.

Ayla was probably playing with her toys, probably her two dolls she loved so much. She was probably getting them ready to go to a big masquerade ball. Or maybe today, the two dolls were spies infiltrating enemy lines.

He was amazed by her imagination and creativity. All the worlds and stories that she played out were always so entertaining to watch.
