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“Are you okay? You look deep in thought,” Stella asked with concern when Katie drew closer.

“Oh, yeah, sorry. I was just admiring your hairstyle today,” Katie recovered, acknowledging Stella’s purple-knotted buns with a nod.

“Well, thank you, Katie.” She smiled, touching her buns reassuringly. “Come on in, and let’s go over this family.”

Stella beckoned Katie inside her office.

Once seated, Stella took on a much more professional posture, and Katie knew that the process was beginning. Being able to switch from casual to professional in a moment was another thing Katie admired about the agency head.

Stella slid a manilla folder across the desk to Katie.

“So, this request just came in this morning. The job is on the planet Luxenia, and based on your file, I think you would be the absolute best candidate for this situation. The girl is eight years old, and her parents passed away in a horrific accident a few days ago, leaving her an orphan. She’s been placed with her only living relative, her uncle. He needs immediate assistance as he’s never been married nor had any children and cannot care for her on his own.”

Katie glanced at the information in the folder. The overview had a short profile of the girl with basic facts.

“If you don’t mind me asking, you said I would be perfect for this placement. Can I ask why?” She looked up at Stella, who was still sitting very still, watching Katie examine the folder.

“Her uncle is military.”

Katie instantly tasted bitterness. A wash of irritation at this man, or whatever he was, crashed over her.

“With your background, you would be more of a source of understanding and comfort for the girl than someone with no knowledge of that life.”

Katie let out a harsh laugh.

“You think that just because of my military upbringing, it would make it better? I beg to differ. It may prove to be quite the opposite.” She bit her lip, forcing herself to shut up. She couldn’t let a flare-up of emotions cost her a job.

“What do you mean exactly?”

“It’s just that my memories of my father in the military haven’t exactly left me with a warm, fuzzy feeling.”

Stella stayed silent, forcing Katie to expand further.

“Having my father in the military left me bitter, in a way. He was never home. He chose to always be gone, and nothing, and I meannothing,came between him and serving. I don’t want to take out my resentment on this family.”

It was more than that, but she didn’t want to relive that time of her childhood. Nor did she even wish that type of life on anyone. How could she watch a little girl go through what she’d had to endure?

“I’m sorry to hear that, Katie. I had no idea. I find you much more professional than you give yourself credit for. I also think you’ll find this situation quite different.”

“How so?”

“On their planet, any Luxenian that serves is not allowed to have a wife or child. They fear it will distract them from their operations and is not fair to either party. Based on what you have just shared with me, I imagine you agree with that policy.”

Katie nodded.

Stella continued. “The uncle is the one who serves. He knows he cannot care for her and will not be the best father for her. That is why he is asking for our services to aid him until he can find a suitable family to adopt her.”

Katie felt herself relax, not realizing how tense and angry she’d been until then.

The fact that he knows he would be a shitty dad in a shitty situation is something, I guess,she mused.

“He just wants the best for her, and I think you would be great in relating to her in her current situation.”

He’s not a shitty dad; he’s not a dad at all, so leaving him clueless and on his own isn’t going to fix anything, Katie decided.

“Okay. You’re right. He didn’t ask for this, and he’s trying to do his best. If I can help this little girl, then I will. She’s been through enough.” Katie took a breath to settle her gut and smiled at a beaming Stella.

“Perfect! Thank you so much for agreeing.” She stood and clasped her hands together. “Now, let’s get you ready for departure. They need us there ASAP!”
