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“You fucking did it,” Katie exclaimed, taking his hand in hers. “You really do want us, don’t you?”

Axur scoffed. He anticipated possibly feeling some hesitation to catch the swirling storm of fire that singed every career path. But it didn’t come. That was all in the past, and his only way forward was with both Katie and Ayla by his side.

He wiped the rest of the tears that remained on Katie’s flushed cheeks, and she began to chuckle with cheer. The three of them rejoiced, hugging each other, as the judge sounded off with her gavel one final time.

“General Axur, Katie, you are both now the guardians of Ayla. Please hand in the documents so they can be sealed in our public records.”

Axur took the thick wad of paper in his hands and tossed it haphazardly onto the judge’s bench. The judge was startled and mortified by the flagrant display of disrespect. But Axur didn’t care. She was a part of the same clan that would outcast him from his military work. They meant nothing to him.

“Seal them shut tight, dear Judge,” he said, tucking an arm under Katie’s and scooping Ayla up from her seat. “We won’t be needing them again.”

They left the courtroom just as the outside temperature plummeted. Axur smelled it in the air, a crisp, haunting cold front.

Axur hustled them inside the car, knowing Katie wouldn’t take the cold well, but a blissfully ignorant Ayla laughed the entire way. He informed his housekeepers that the flash freeze was imminent and to securely seal the windows so air wouldn’t creep in to harm his beloved.

Once that was all dealt with, they could finally celebrate. Katie changed from her snazzy suit into her comfortable, body-hugging sweater and leggings, her hair in a ponytail that showed off her swan-like neck. Her eyes glistened at him as his new chef made them all their favorite meals, promising their own private celebration coming later.

“So, are you my dad now?"

It was a question that he thought might be blurted out eventually, but not the same day of signing onto guardianship. Katie and Axur exchanged a look, and it was everything the general needed to feel.Together, we’ve got this.

Axur put his fork down and tilted his head at his niece, smiling. She still responded to him with caution when he did that, having not been used to his newfound sense of joy. He would have to get used to that as well.

“I’m not your dad, Ayla, no. No one can ever replace your dad or your mom. But Katie and I are here for you forever, the way your mom and dad wanted to be. You can call us what you want.”

“Hmm,” Ayla brought her fingers to her chin and stroked an imaginary beard.

It took everything within both of them to keep from bursting out into hysterical laughter.

“I will think about it. But I like you as my mom and dad. I think they would be happy.”

Axur’s throat stung. Katie’s hand crawled toward him on the table, squeezing it hard. Ayla was a smart, mature little girl. He wanted to be present for every milestone the way his brother and sister-in-law could never be.

After the dessert, Ayla was ready for bed. She slumped in her kitchen chair, barely able to keep her eyes open. Axur carried her to her bedroom and tucked her in, overwhelmed with gratitude for the blessing that was the sweet child in his life.

“You weren’t joking.”

Katie stood in what would be their bedroom. It had been his for so long, and while they had shared a few intimate nights in the bed, in the shower, and on the floor, she had been a guest in his life then. At that very moment, as ice crystals crept along the window like foreboding fingers, it was finally hers, too. He hoped she would think of it that way for the rest of her life.

Axur closed the door behind him, promptly locking it. He walked toward Katie slowly, who had her back turned to him, the nakedness of her neck and the silhouette against the freezing landscape nearly too much for him to handle. He wanted to treat her with the utmost care, like a fine, exquisite opal.

But he also knew that Katie was far from fragile.

“It’s really coming down, isn’t it?”

Axur wrapped his arms around Katie’s waist, tucking them along the inside of her thighs. She let out a long, soft sigh as he lowered his face to her precious nape.

“I thought you would never do this to me again,” she muttered. “It was horrible. A horrible thought.”

“I’m never leaving, Katie. I’m here. I’m reallyhere.”



Axur leaned in further, his lips lingering just above Katie's. He slowly, tantalizingly, rubbed his hands over her pants, causing low, breathy responses from her.

"You promise?" she asked, her eyes closed as she leaned against him.
