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They entered his lounge, which was the center of the house.

“This is the sitting room. I never really have the video screen on. Even with Ayla. She busies herself in other ways.” He nodded to the left. “That is the kitchen. We don’t have a table to sit at, only the counter and stools.”

It was small, and to the point, so he continued to the hallway.

“This is where Ayla sleeps,” he said, pushing the door open to give Katie a look into Ayla’s hobbies.

Axur noticed the girl had organized and picked up everything from earlier that morning. He smiled at the scene, knowing she’d done it to please him. He made a mental note to thank her at dinner that evening.

He quickly shook off the warmth that spread through him. He knew what that feeling was, and he also knew he had to avoid it at all costs. He couldn’t afford to get attached to Ayla. More so, Ayla couldn’t afford to get attached to him. It was better for them both.

He cleared his throat before shutting the door on Katie.

“She keeps a very tidy room,” the female said, her voice a bit husky and enticing.

“Yes, she is very good at that. Next, we have the library, which acts as a place for Ayla to do her work and read. She seems to like it there, so that is where I plan on having you hold lessons. I think it will help her.” He glanced at Katie once he entered and found her staring at him with a curious look in her deep green eyes.

“I think the windows for natural light and views will help a lot, yes,” she finally said as she entered and walked throughout the room. “What type of lessons?”

“Oh, you both can discuss that. I’m not sure where she was in school, but I know she likes to learn and be active in the arts. Having something for her to focus on so she doesn’t fall behind is ideal. She seems to want to be busy, so I don’t see her giving you any problems with this.”

“Are you sure she wants to focus on school when she’s just lost her parents?”

Axur turned quickly at the suggestion.

“Why not? She doesn’t want to linger on things she cannot change.” Even though that may have been a fact to Axur, it was clearly not to Katie.

Her mouth dropped, and he swore he saw lightning crack behind her sea-storm eyes. For a moment, he was afraid he spoke out of line. Then, he remembered what he had told himself earlier. If she didn’t like him, what should that matter?

“Not want to linger?” Katie seethed through tight lips. “Her parents just died. But, of course, why should that be of any concern …”

Stella stepped in. “Thank you, that’s good for now. General Axur, could you give me a moment with Katie? I just want to see if she’s up to the task of expanding on Ayla’s education.”

“By all means. I will make us hot beverages.” He smiled at the women, unable to ignore averyirritated nanny fuming under the hand of Stella.

Axur showed himself out of the library, grateful for an excuse to remove himself from the growing tension.

I could be nicer,he thought as he reached for clay mugs.

He needed this to work, but he wanted the best for Ayla. He had nothing against Katie. He just didn’t know how to interact with civilians. Especially attractive, smart ones who now seemed to loathe him.

He let out a disgruntled groan as he put the three steaming mugs on a tray and meandered his way back to the library.

As Axur approached the door, he heard the hushed yet raised voice of Katie.

“How can I do that though? The more that … thatgeneral …”She said his rank with such hostility that it sounded poisonous to Axur’s own ears. “The more he speaks, the angrier I get. He has no emotion or care in the world that this terrible thing just happened. He really thinks this poor little girl is going to get over it?”

“Honey, I need you to calm down. I understand how this can get to you. But you should think of it as exactly why you are here. This is you helping by being here for the girl. You know how cold it can be, but you can be her warmth.”

There was a pause. Axur almost stepped through but froze when he heard Stella continue.

“You have to remember that he didn’t choose the life of a father for a reason. He’s doing his best for her by having you here. You’ll be a godsend for them both, especially for the child.”

“I don’t know, Stella. Do you really think this is a good match?”

“Absolutely. I wouldn’t jeopardize our reputation just to get a hire out. This placement could help you and the little girl work some things out together.”

“Fine. I’ll do it for her. She needs someone, and it’s definitely not him.”
