Page 40 of Mike

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“The wall?! Uh, well, we like it just fine. What exactly are you doing?”

“Watch,” said Sage. Shining the light of the laser through the diamond, then the ruby, then the topaz, a pulse of laser narrowed into the wall, burning a hole about the size of a quarter.

“Whoa! What the fuck was that?” asked RJ.

“It’s just something I remembered from a science class. The laser provides the intensity and heat, while the gems provide the color refraction that allows it to be intensified.”

“So, this can be weaponized?” asked Eli.

“I have no clue,” laughed Sage. “The only thing I know it can do is bore a hole in a wall. The laser would have to be far more powerful to do anything else, and the gems much larger.”

“Let me call Thomas and Ryan,” said Eli.

Waiting for the two men to arrive, they continued to nibble on their lunch, all the while staring at the table and the hole in the wall. When Thomas and Ryan arrived, Sage explained what she’d remembered from her class and demonstrated the laser again.

“I don’t know, Sage,” said Thomas. “I don’t think the power of the laser would make any difference. This has to do with refraction of light intensifying the light of the laser. The size of the stones would have to be massive, like boulders, to make a big difference. Even then, it wouldn’t necessarily be a weapon. Just a big nasty light laser.”

“But what if there is something to this idea of the stones from that particular region having an additional substance in them?”

“Again, it’s possible, but I cannot imagine what it might be. There’s just nothing that would indicate that it exists.”

“So, we’re back to square one,” she frowned.

“Listen, don’t get upset by this. You’re doing what we need you to do in identifying where these could have come from. What do you have so far?”

“Well, most of the rubies appear to have come from the throne of a maharaja. I found this painting that shows it in great detail,” she said, turning the tablet for him to see. “It was mostly rubies but some pearls. An unusual design for sure.”

“That would be India. That’s nowhere near the area we’re talking about. Maybe this is just a coincidence,” said Thomas.

“Maybe. I’m feeling completely overwhelmed now and unsure of myself.”

“Don’t doubt yourself,” said Ryan. “Just be patient. I promise we’ll be able to find something out of all of this.”

“I just wish I could speak with my mentor,” she said, shaking her head. Ryan looked at Thomas, then stepped away from the table, making a call. When he returned, he set his phone down in front of her.

“Call him. Do not tell him where you’re calling from or what you’re doing. Leave it on speaker, but don’t tell him we’re here. Stick only to the facts, Sage. Just the facts.”

“Thank you, Ryan. I just know he probably knows something I don’t.”

Business. Always business, he thought to himself. Just once it would be enjoyable to not speak of business. He’d love to speak of his grandchildren or his sons. Why not speak of the weather? Or perhaps, talk of recent events in the news, depressing though it might be. Instead, he was relegated to discussing business.

“When will your next shipment arrive?”

“Two, perhaps three days. I’ll inspect them as always and let you know what I find. If there’s something you can use, I’ll send them to you per the usual agreement.” The man nodded at him and started to speak but was distracted by the phone vibrating on the desk.

“My apologies. I’m not sure who this is, but I should take it.” The other man nodded at him.

“Hiram Silverstein,” he said quickly.

“Mr. Silverstein, it’s Sage.” He looked up from the phone, staring at the man. Setting it on the table between them, he pressed speaker.

“Sage! What a delightful surprise, my dear. How can I be of service to you?”

“Well, I have a few questions for you.”

“I’ll do my best to answer,” he smiled.

“Have you ever heard of anyone trying to use loose diamonds and gemstones in a laser? Perhaps trying to weaponize them?” He was silent for a moment, shocked by the question. The face of the man across from him darkened, and he stared at him. “Mr. Silverstein?”
