Page 41 of Mike

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“Oh, I’m here, dear. That seems far-fetched. Why would you ask such a question?”

“I’m curious, that’s all. What about jewels from the legendary cave? Have you ever seen any? Perhaps, examined them and found something else on them or in them?”

“Never,” he answered quickly. Maybe too quickly. “To destroy jewels by boring into them would be an atrocity!”

“I-I didn’t suggest boring into them, Mr. Silverstein,” she said quietly.

“Sage, my dear, if you have something you’d like for me to help you with, why don’t you bring it to me here in New York? I’ll make myself available to you any time. I’ll even pay for your ticket if you’re struggling in some way.”

“I’m not struggling at all, Mr. Silverstein. I just had some questions.”

“Obviously, you have questions because something is raising your curiosity,” he said in a harsh tone. “Just bring whatever you have to me, and I will look at it.”

“I didn’t say I had anything, Mr. Silverstein, and I don’t appreciate the tone. You’re obviously busy. I’m sorry I bothered you.” Silverstein attempted to end the call, but the man across from him gripped his wrist.

“Where are you?” There was silence on the other end of the call as the strange voice came through the line. “I will not ask so politely next time. Where are you?”

“You find yourself in trouble, Huizhong Yun,” said a man. Eli held his fingers to his lips as Sage’s eyes filled with tears of disappointment and betrayal. Five men crowded the room behind her, allowing Eli to take the lead on the call now.

“Who are you?”

“I am none of your concern. Neither is Sage. You, however, are my concern. Mr. Silverstein has now shown his true colors, which will allow me the great satisfaction of ending his life.”

“You pompous, arrogant gutter rat! I mentored you for greater things, not that dump your grandmother owned!” Sage turned away, finding safe harbor in the arms of Jake. He rubbed her back, allowing her to cry into his chest.

“Such a temper, Mr. Silverstein. We’ll have to adjust that for you,” said Eli. His heart was breaking for Sage, knowing that she’d believed she could trust the older man.

“Where are my diamonds?” asked Yun.

“Your diamonds are about to become powder. Dust. They are currently being ground into fairy dust that will be sprinkled all over the Earth,” smirked Eli. Hex stared at him and mouthed ‘fairy dust?’. He just shrugged.

“You will die for this. You cannot defeat me or my clan. I will ruin you. You will never survive your encounters with me, and when I find the woman, I will make sure that she is sent back to you all in a pretty little body bag with a bow on it. You won’t recognize her, but trust me. It will be her. I will ruin you. All of you.” Eli stared at the others, giving their silent instructions to him.

“Not if I ruin you first.”


Coming home to find Sage in tears was not what Mike had expected. Finding out why she was in tears made him want to rip apart the universe. Silverstein was in on it. He’d been a part of this from the beginning, most likely using her and her knowledge.

“I thought he was a friend. A mentor,” she sniffed. “When I was on that buying trip, I asked him about the sale or theft of loose diamonds. I literally pointed them straight back to me.”

“You couldn’t have known, Sage. You trusted him, and he broke that trust. We’re going to find another way out of this, I promise you.”

“What happened to the men you were chasing?” asked Luke.

“Omar was left in the alleyway. The other two disappeared,” said Mike.

“No, they didn’t,” said his grandfather, taking a big, crunchy bite of an apple. They all stared at him, shaking their heads.

“Grandfather, we literally moved to the building across the alley, and in between that time, their bodies disappeared. Someone took them.”

“Yes. They did.”

“Do you ever just answer questions directly?” asked Luke, shaking his head at the older man.

“When asked a question, yes, I do.”

“Okay. Do you know where the bodies were taken?” asked Luke.
