Page 48 of Mike

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There were two loud bangs. One from the firing of his sidearm. The other from the bullet hitting the diamond. It shattered to dust, exploding and raining diamond glitter around the property.

“That’s why he thought it could be weaponized. It can’t be, not really. Nothing would make it powerful enough. But I think all of the diamonds mined from that cave probably have the same capability. It’s a fluke of nature. That’s all. At some point in history, someone probably accidentally exploded one of those diamonds and thought it was a weapon. That’s how the legend started. It’s really that simple.” Susie let out a deep breath, smiling at her husband. Keith winked at her, then signed to her.

“I love when you get geeky on me.”

“Save the love notes, brother,” smirked Luke. “Well done, Susie. This tells us what we need to know and, more importantly, what Yun doesn’t know. Get the information to the team in California. I think we’re about to burst his balloon.”

Sage turned to look at everyone, unsure of what to do at this point.

“Sage?” said Eric. “You did great. You were right to break this down and realize it wasn’t all about diamonds and weapons. We’ll get the antiquities straightened out and make sure they go to the rightful owners or a museum. The rest, we’ll figure out as we go along. Fair?”

“That’s fair,” she nodded. “Thank you.”

“You’ve had quite a few shocks lately,” said Hex. “Do you need to speak with one of our counselors?”

“Maybe. I don’t know. Honestly, I think I’m going to go sit in the garden again. Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to have Jake find me again,” she smiled.

“I’ll go with you,” said Susie.

“Me too,” said Montana.

A dozen other women followed her, and the men all just watched, wondering if Jake now possessed some sort of magic. He appeared to have the ability to sense a woman’s sadness, much like George. But he also appeared to have the ability to calm them down, like Matthew.

“Do you think Grandma has done something to Jake? I mean, suddenly, he has a Yoda-like effect on everyone. The other day, he talked to me for an hour about planning for my future and making sure that Ajei’s needs were taken care of at any age.” asked Luke.

“Dude, that’s seriously scary,” said Hawk. “So, do you? Do you think Mama Irene has done something to him?”

Eric slapped his back, shaking his head. He turned to look at Luke, waiting for his response.

“Never mind. Don’t know. Don’t wanna know.”


Judging from the heat readings coming from the mansion, there were eleven men inside the Yuns’ home. At least one was a woman.

“Your call, Mike,” said Hunter.

“Mine? But you, Sniff, and Jax all have seniority. Hell, almost everyone here has seniority on me. Why is it my call?” Jax grinned at the young man.

“Your girl, your call, brother. Tell us what to do. We have more men than they do, but we know they’ll put up a damn good fight.”

“Silencers. I’m not going to screw around with their ninja ways. We use silencers and put them down. I want us all to return home.”

“Okay, who goes in first?” asked Kiel. He looked at the group standing around them. It was Mike, Liffey, Sniff, Jax, Hunter, Milo, Benji, and Chase who smiled at him. On the other side of him were JT, Bogey, Nate, and Irish. He knew that Remy, Robbie, Mo, and Gator would be on their way as soon as they turned Silverstein over.

“Brother, your op,” said Kiel.

“When you’re done discussing who gets the candy first, I’ve cleared the house,” said Trak, taking a bite of a pear. Mike looked at his grandfather, shaking his head.

“Where in the hell did you come from?”

“I was with you on the Osprey. You need to pay closer attention to the men around you. I wouldn’t want you to lose someone.”

“Speaking of men around you, what’s going on with those in there?” asked Mike.

“They’re sleeping,” said Trak calmly. “The daughter and her new husband seem more than willing to have a conversation, but probably not the one you want or need.”

“Grandpa, you’re something else,” laughed Mike, walking by Trak. He took the last bite of the pear and tossed the core into the grass. The birds would make a feast of the rest of it.

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