Page 52 of Mike

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“Were you a Ranger?” she asked.

“No. Ian, myself, and Nine were all SEALs. Because we were always in some of the most elite teams, we knew Gaspar and his brothers. In fact, we were on a number of missions together. But I think we’re getting away from your original question. You asked if they were all good at what they do.

“The answer to that is standing around you. Our men helped to create, preserve, and grow the businesses you see around you. They aren’t just fighting machines, soldiers, sailors, marines, or airmen who have all muscle and no brains.

“These are men and women with college degrees. Many with multiple degrees. I think Trak speaks five or six languages, maybe more. Most of us speak at least two. Men who are in these elite groups are wired differently. Their drive and determination to become more is palpable.

“Men who are training within these groups don’t become successful because their the biggest or strongest. They’re successful and stay alive because they make smart decisions and they’ve earned the trust of those around them. That’s why our men are the best. They’re smart. Really smart, and they trust one another. I always know that these men have my back, and they know I have theirs.”

“So, you’re certain that Mike and the others will come home?”

“I’m as certain as I always am, Sage.”

“I guess that’s good enough for me,” she smiled. “I think I’ll head back to the library and keep working on those antiquities. I’d like to get them returned to their rightful owners.”

“I’ll come with you,” said Lauren. “It will keep my mind off killing my husband.” Ajei, Kate, and a few others followed her to the big house while Hex, Eric, and the seniors watched.

“That was quite a speech,” said Hex.

“She’s scared, and I need her to be less scared,” said Gaspar. “Mike will come back. Trak and Nate will make sure of it.”

“Hex! Eric! Where are Luke and Cam?” asked Tanner.

“They just left to head to California. Why?”

“We just got a request from the team out there. It’s not something I’m comfortable answering for everyone. I mean, it might be something we want to think about. I needed to clear it with someone,” he said, smiling.

“Well, Luke and Cam can be reached on comms in the chopper, or they can wait to talk to them when they arrive in California.

“But we’re here. Can we answer the question? What do they want to know?” Tanner smirked at the men, his eyes twinkling with excitement.

“When was the last time we sunk a ship?”


“We have the diamonds, but who’s going to carry them out there?” asked Luke, walking toward the others.

They were standing near several small craft, ready to head out to the yacht. The sun was setting, allowing darkness to be their friend. One larger boat would carry Mike, Sniff, Irish, Jax, and Hunter, making the man believe it was just five men.

In the smaller boats, the others would divide up, with Trak at the lead. He didn’t ask for it. They didn’t give it to him. It was just assumed.

“Get your gear on,” said Mike. “You’re gonna get your panties wet.”

Mike’s boat took off from the small harbor, slowly making its way toward the yacht. In the back, Yun’s daughter was gagged and tied. If he shot at the boat, the daughter would drown before anyone could reach her. They’d made certain of it by tying a fifteen-pound weight to her legs.

“Mike, brother, you know that he could kill us on sight. Once we approach that boat, he could shoot all of us,” said Jax.

“I know. But he won’t. He wants his daughter and the diamonds. Both of which we have. He needs to be sure that we’ve got what he wants.”

The spray of the Pacific was cold on their faces. Wearing wet suits, they were prepared should they go over. The last rays of the sun slipped into the blackness of the ocean, leaving everything in total darkness.

Too far from shore, the lights of the city didn’t give them a path to follow, only a beacon to come home to. Stars scattered across the sky gave promise of a new day to dawn. But tonight, they needed to stop a madman. One of the hundreds they’d stopped before and surely one of the hundreds yet to come.

Mike looked back at the young woman, shivering from the winds of the sea. He wanted to feel some compassion for her, but he didn’t. He knew her type, knew what kind of woman she really was. It might not be her fault. It was most likely the fault of her father, but she made no effort to change, even when faced with his evil.

Sometimes, evil was genetic. End of story.

“Coming up to it,” said Jax. Mike nodded.
