Page 1 of The Mechanic

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Whoever tries to disturb my peace is a dead man.


The bottle cap hisses as I pry it off, the scent of malt and hops filling the air.

Fucking finally. I can relax. I can drink this beer that’s been sitting in my fridge for almost two weeks.

I kick off my shoes and slump on my well-loved sofa, a bit threadbare in places and with frayed edges and loose threads on the armrests. It’s been a busy couple of days, and it seems like everyone in this town had their car break down all at once. Don’t get me wrong, I love my work and I absolutely enjoy it.

But damn, I feel the exhaustion down to my bones. I can’t even remember the last time I slept for more than five hours. And even when I’m at home, I’m mentally cataloging all the repairs I need to make the following day.

Tonight, though. Tonight is all mine. And I’m not touching anything in my shop for the next three days. I’ll be here in my house, with my cat Alvin, finishing a case of Corona and ignoring everyone else.

I settle deeper into the three-seater, its wooden frame creaking under my weight. Maybe I should buy a new one. It’s long overdue. Then again, what for? I live alone, and Alvin enjoys digging his sharp claws into the faux leather fabric. The only visitors I get are my two employees and my best friend, Keith.


The bottle is halfway to my lips when my phone rings. Nope. Not answering it. I can just pretend to be asleep. Or busy. Or dead.


Ah, fuck.

Speak of the devil.

It’s Keith of all people.

Now, I know I said I will ignore all calls. But Keith is an exception. The asshole always is, and he knows it.

As to whether or not I should kill him depends on what he’s calling me for. So with a harsh exhale, I answer the call. “Yeah?”

“Hey, asshole. You still up?”

“I'm answering your call, aren't I?”

“Fuck off.”

“Right back at you. So to what do I owe this pleasure? Miss me?”

“Fuck you. I need help.”

“Nope. Bail your own ass.”

“Not me, fucker. My sister.”

“Well, you bail her out yourself.”

“Will you just listen for one damn minute?”

I chuckle at the frustration in his voice. Keith has a short fuse, and yes, I enjoy pushing his buttons every chance I get. Besides, he deserves it for calling in the middle of the night. “Fine. Out with it.”

“Remember my sister? She’s supposed to be coming home. Well, her rusty car broke down. Kept telling her to sell that piece of shit and she never listened.”

“Hmm. Sounds familiar. Must run in the family.”
