Page 19 of The Mechanic

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Since I’m still running errands, I don’t bother wearing anything nice. I’m in my black skinny jeans and Noah’s old band t-shirt. “Oh, this? Yeah, it’s his. Had to wear something after he ripped the last one.”

Allison’s jaw drops, cords twanging in her neck.

I sidestep her and head to Noah who’s standing by his Bronco, drinking a cup of steaming coffee and observing our exchange.

Stopping just behind her, I turn back and say, “And Allison. For someone who leaves her panties in the boys’ locker, are you sure I’m the desperate one?”

I can feel her eyes following me, which is just as well because Noah grabs me and kisses me like there’s no tomorrow.

* * *

“3…2…1… Happy new year!”

The crowd erupts in cheers and applause as the clock strikes midnight. There’s live music and laughter, and the atmosphere just crackles with happiness and excitement.

I turn to face Noah, fully expecting to find him ready for a kiss. Instead, he’s down on one knee and holding a small black velvet box. My pulse is loud in my ears, my hands rushing to my mouth to cover it, and I hold my breath.

Oh my God. Is this happening? Is he for real?

Tears well in my eyes, fuzzy feelings in my chest. Some of the townspeople begin to notice, and they slowly watch us and gather around.

“Nora, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I knew I wanted you beside me forever. My partner. My wife. The love of my life. Will you marry me?”

Everything is blurry, and I realize my cheeks are already wet. “Yes, Noah. I will marry you!”

He slides the diamond ring onto my finger and holds my face between his massive hands. “I love you, Nora.”

I choke on a sob. “I love you too, Noah.”

Another round of cheers and applause, but I barely notice them because I’m kissing Noah back like my life depends on it. When he rests his forehead on mine, I wonder if he has more surprises, but he looks behind me and nods once.

I whirl around to find my brother wearing dark pants and a plaid shirt, a box in his hand. “Hey, Nosey Nora.”

That’s the nickname he uses when he wants to apologize about something, so I don’t make it hard for him. After all, he’s only looking after me. I throw myself at Keith and bury my face in his chest.

This is the best New Year’s celebration ever.



“Ibumped into Dr. Young at the farmer’s market, and he said he didn’t expect you to be one of those dads,” Keith tells Noah.

They’re sitting on the couch, watching football, and munching on the sliders my brother made. I’m behind them on the kitchen counter, sipping my coffee and watching Nathan in his bassinet.

Keith likes to come here every weekend and join us for dinner. It’s been a bit of a tradition. Doesn’t matter if it’s snowing or there’s a storm, he’ll be here at 6 PM.

After the wedding, Noah showed me the cabin his dad used to own. It was just fifteen minutes away from the shop, nestled among tall pine trees, but he opted to live on the second floor because it was easier when he was still single. When we found out we were having a baby, he went to work renovating it.

From the large, multi-paned windows and wooden siding to the restored cedar planks, it’s such a beautiful and cozy house. It has a massive stone fireplace, exposed wooden beams on the ceiling, and polished wood for the cabinets and kitchen countertops.

It’s amazing.

I found a job as a remote worker, still an executive assistant, and I didn’t have to show up at the office every day. I love it. I’m currently on maternity leave, but it doesn’t make that much difference. I can work and still be a full-time mom.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Noah just stares at the TV screen over the rim of his bottle.

“He said you questioned his skills as a doctor the entire time and had the audacity to tell him what to do.” Keith bursts out laughing, slapping his knee like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “If you weren’t the only mechanic in town, he would’ve told you to do it yourself.”
